Guard Frequency Episode 018 | OMGPAXDFMBBQ

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, and welcome to episode 18 of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 12th April 2014 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday 15th April 2014 at


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Lennon, Tony and Geoff are in the hangar once more this week bringing you all the latest from CIG and around the ‘verse. In this week’s Squawk Box we talk about a Star Citizen fan project that we’re pretty excited about — Daughter of Sol’s Star Citizen Star Map. In CIG News, well, not much has happened this week but we still bring you our weekly Crowd Funding Update, information about the Alpha Slots (and what it will mean when they’re all gone), the latest entry into Congress Now, the final part of the Dateline: SESEN series, the final hiatus episode of The Next Great Starship, 10 For The Chairman episode 15 and Wingman’s Hangar 64 before maybe, just maybe, we’ll get to find out exactly where it is in this week’s WTFITDFM. Next, we give you the rundown and our thoughts on the Mustang from Consolidated Outland, before tuning into the Feedback Loop and letting you join in on the conversation.

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This Week’s Community Questions

  • We want to hear your thoughts on the Dogfighting Module reveal (or as we should be calling it, Arena Commander). Was it everything you hoped it would be? What were your highlights of the show? Was there anything you were disappointded in?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work!

Enjoy the show!

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6 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 018 | OMGPAXDFMBBQ”

  1. Saoldian Avatar

    Once again, great show guys. The DFM was great, the presentation was poorly done. It was posted somewhere in the forums that the Boston server had gone down right before the show started so they had to scramble to link to the patch server in Austin which, of course, had a newer build on it. Hence why the MP didn’t work. IMO, they should have had a nice polished video ready as a backup to play if the “presentation” went to . There is no question that we are in for the ride or our flight sim lives! Also, they should never mix alcohol with rabid fanboys…bad things can happen, like obnoxious trolls in the crowd! 🙂

  2. seannewboy Avatar

    Awesome episode everyone.

    1. seannewboy Avatar

      the condensed footage from pax link is not working.

      1. Justin Lowmaster Avatar

        We’ll get top men working on that! Top men!

  3. Snowman Avatar

    I disagree with your conclusions regarding the Mustang. It may end up a highly maneuverable gunship. Guaranteed to be underestimated and probably lethal in the hands of a skilled pilot.

    1. Lennon Avatar

      Hmmm, I dunno. The Aurora certainly has more flexibility on the upgrades, a better shield and swaps the turret for missiles. True, we don’t have all the details on the Mustang so it could end up surprising us, but with what we know so far, in my opinion, it just seems so much more fragile than the Aurora. Having said that, like you said, in the hands of a skilled pilot (or pilots) it could be very deadly. I also think that they’re going to be cheap enough to be considered semi-disposable, and that they’ll be ideal craft for a small flight of players to swarm an enemy and destroy them quickly and effectively. Also, I still hate the “wings as feet” thing. Shoot up their wings, and they can’t land very well.

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