Guard Frequency Episode 064 | Guard Frequency 1.1

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 064, of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 20th March 2015 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at [Download this episode]

Oh what a surprise. One of our hosts is missing. Can you guess who it is? We’ll give you a hint: he had to go to London so wasn’t able to record. Another hint: it’s still not Geoff. Yes, you guessed it, our illustrious Brit has given up his seat, but in a cruel twist of fate Chiv wasn’t available so we nabbed Jayce from Priority One to talk about all things Star Citizen but before that we discuss what craft, if any, could replace the A-10 Warthog in the Squawk Box. In CIG News we bring you all the latest from around the UEE, including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, the latest Letter from the Chairman, all the info we could gather on Star Citizen 1.1 (including REC, the Landing System and the changes to weapon mounts), as well as the details on the next Ship Concept Sale. In Nuggets for Nuggets, won’t you be our neighbour as we visit a friend who likes to paint pictures of Three Dimensional Space Combat, including a few happy accidents. Finally, we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in the conversation.

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This Week’s Community Questions

  • The good, the bad, and the ugly, we want to know your thoughts on Star Citizen 1.1. Is this everything you’ve ever dreamed of, or has this raised some… [concern]s?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

View our post for the episode on the RSI forums.

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






6 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 064 | Guard Frequency 1.1”

  1. Dillek Avatar

    Robert’s Neighbourhood: A place for Dreams!
    Guys, brilliant! I really loved that bit.

    After vehemently defending the need for the Vanguard DSF I was surprised by CIG’s announcement about the price. I am waiting until Friday’s Concept sale and the design document about the ship to see if its worthy of that price and my backing..,

    As with you Tony, I also feel dirty, I’ve been playing Star Citizen Light, Elite Dangerous, specially with the Wings update (1.2). The grind is incredible, but the Python is worth it (even with the nerf).

    Regarding the Community question: I am very happy about the multiplayer Free-Flight, it’s good to finally have an arena where an organization can practice without time time restrictions. The ships handle a lot better now, I feel that they are smoother. Then there is REC… good for CIG, I won’t really be really using it. With the amounts of ships I have, I only have to be worried about equipment and I will wait until the PU comes out for that. Until then, may my 325A be killed by SuperHornets…

    Great show, again.

  2. Ryoken Avatar

    I don’t mean this out of disrespect, but this episode was a little high on the whine quotient and the first sections felt overly negative (REC, Vanguard, item port system)

    The negativity over the Vanguard price was a bit over the top, wait and see before jerking those knees. Every concept ship that comes out seems to bring a few minutes of negativity over the price. Personally, I haven’t seen any of the concept ships that didn’t warrant the price tag put on them. I do take a double take on the announced price for each, but end up seeing the reasons why once the reveal is made.

    I’m also not sure where you get the idea, aside from personal assumptions, that the Vanguard would be the size of the Hornet or directly comparable to a hornet other than being a fighter class ship. I can see this ship being an equivalent size to the Redeemer.

    It’s a deep space ship meant for long missions. My assumptions on the ship (which will more than likely be all sorts of shades of wrong) are that it will be the size of a redeemer, contain living areas more than just bunk shelves, and have enough armaments to be able to unleash hell upon dropping to combat speeds and negate some of the need to be all that nimble. If it matches most of my assumptions I would say that would warrant the cost for me.

    I’m also of the opinion that the high costs of ships are partially to cause people to second guess and only those with the funds and desire to fund the game will throw down the money. Personally, if the Vanguard looks the part I’ll be short a Cutlass Blue and M50 and up one Vanguard.

  3. CMDR Killshot Avatar
    CMDR Killshot

    Hey Jeff,

    The Empire really wants me too. Not so much friendly, but really Wanted. 😉

    1. Dillek Avatar

      I will be sure to pay my respects as I collect your bounty. Just kidding, Happy and Safe travels, CMDR.

  4. seannewboy Avatar

    Bob seems kind of creepy, like candy in vans creepy.

    Loved the show everyone.

  5. Ostron Avatar

    So Tony and Geoff are not fans of REC. We get it. Surely the horse is well along in decomposing by now, and the smell must be horrible.

    I haven’t done much with 1.1 so far. I did dive into a competitive game, and even with my poor dogfighting skills I seemed to gather a decent amount of REC without too much gameplay investment. I mostly welcome the ability to try the different weapons on my ships without a permanent investment.

    I first heard the vanguard news here, and I must say the price point shocked me; I had thought the idea was for this to be another “starter” level ship, which $250 certainly doesn’t support. That said, I haven’t followed the fighter much at all, since a long range dogfighter isn’t something I’m interested in, so I’ll reserve further judgement.

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