Guard Frequency Episode 085 | Lots Of Space Rocks

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 085, of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 21st August 2015 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, August 25th 2015 at [Download this episode]

Lennon, Tony and Geoff are here, returning triumphant from the field of battle to bring you another show so good it’s illegal on Terra. In this week’s Squawk Box, we check in on an old, modular friend of ours. In CIG News we bring you everything that’s happening around the UEE including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, 10 for the Producers episode 11, Around The Verse 57, and a Star Marine Update like no other. In Nuggets For Nuggets we’re all forced to attend a health and safety briefing, and finally we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

Topics Discussed

This Week’s Community Questions

  • Did you see your ship on the list, and if you saw your ship, has it made the progress you were hoping for?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






6 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 085 | Lots Of Space Rocks”

  1. Saoldian (aka Dave) Avatar
    Saoldian (aka Dave)

    Great show guys

    (read like Worker 7517):

    …especially…Tony…because…he…never…gets…any…recognition…only…Geoff and Lennon…who…are obviously…the…best

    Anyway, I’m happy with the ship progress. It will happen when it happens.

    1. Dave Avatar

      Just kidding Tony. You all are great! Still my favorite podcast. I actually listen to the live show and the post-prod show. (long commute) Good and thoughtful discussion which I appreciate.

  2. Dave (aka Saoldian) Avatar
    Dave (aka Saoldian)

    Just kidding Tony. Appreciate all you guys. Always good, thoughtful discussion.

  3. Ostron Avatar

    Good show guys.

    I was not surprised by the status of the Avenger variants, but I am thoroughly confused. CIG’s progress on it since the PBR graphics pass has been, essentially, nil. Now, CIG has stated all of the following:
    1. The ship is in S42
    2. It’s not a multi-crew ship
    3. It is flyable in AC
    4. it’s not scheduled for a major overhaul
    5. it was debuted relatively early in the campaign (second livestream, I believe).
    6. (as of the last RTV, from Ben) it is one of the, if not the, most widely owned ship.

    I can’t figure out why the variants aren’t a priority, especially given the ships that HAVE variants already. I do have three theories:

    Charitably, I’d assume it’s a case where they got the ship’s development done so early (since it’s supposed to feature in the beginning, tutorial missions of S42) that all the requisite developers and artists moved on, so it missed it’s chance for the variants until S42 development is basically done.

    Pessimistically, I’d wonder if they’ve decided the Avenger is completely redundant given the Gladius (comparable dogfighter with very similar if not superior stats) and Cutlass (arguably better Bounty Hunting ship) are are considering abandoning development.

    If I went conspiracy, though, I would wonder if they’re looking at that “most widely owned fighter” statistic and thinking “when we REALLY need a cash infusion, this thing still doesn’t have variants”.

    In general though, I think the ship status post is one of the best community info ideas they’ve had in a while.

  4. Tytis Kraiger Avatar
    Tytis Kraiger

    I backed with the Avenger. I was happy with its initial description and back story and most of all its the sexiest ship in the game thus far to my eyes. Its cockpit is a dual stick setup witch is exactly how Im building my simpit. The only thing that will disappoint me is if CIG were to dissolve the ship completely. I do think its awesome they want to bring in 3 other variants. I didn’t know about it and Im stoked.

    As far as Im concerned progress or the lack therof is none of my business. Nor is it anyone elses. They are 3,trais, !!!THREE!!! years into development. Id rather we stop pestering them for any progress updates and let them keep in elbows and arseholes position and get to work. Ill worry in another 3 years.

  5. seannewboy Avatar

    Wonderful show everyone.

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