Guard Frequency Episode 089 | Blank Space

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 089, of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 18th September 2015 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, September 22nd 2015 at [Download this episode]

Tony, Geoff and Lennon return to the hangar and come with their arms overflowing with show! To kick us off, in this week’s Squawk Box we catch up on a myriad of scientific developments that happened over the past week. In CIG News we bring you everything that’s happening around the UEE, including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, 10 for the Chairman episode 66, a better look than we did last week at the Community Hub, and the regularly scheduled Star Marine Friday Update. We then tune in to Rich and Famous Universe in Nuggets for Nuggets, and finally we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

Topics Discussed

This Week’s Community Questions

  • What sort of additional apps would you like to see created? Are you hankering for some economic data, a vanduul translation guide or a good ol’ DPS parser? Maybe you have a fresh idea to bring to the table?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






11 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 089 | Blank Space”

  1. Tytis Kraiger Avatar
    Tytis Kraiger

    Guys I absolutely love ur show. Enough in fact Im listening to ALL ur shows. (As of this post Im at ep15)
    How you approach topics and ur perspectives of SC development features both future and current, really keeps my blood lust for this games release on fever pitch/boiling point level. For this I thank you.

    As a trucker Im plagued with finding good long shows to help me pass my time. The Guard is entertaining to listen to over and over, bloopers, convoluted layer speak, and all.

    Ive shared my thoughts with u a couple time b4 but as I was having issues getting the Patron page to take my damn money to back u I felt guilty to do so as I was not IMO appropriately earning such right to a voice.

    Saying this I would like to add my 2 cents to last weeks community ?.

    I applaud CIG for limiting outside tongue waggling without “paying” for the right to say anything about the development whether positive or negative.I would expect nothing less from any project i underwent were I accepted individual funding.

    As for an app in game, id like to monitor the condition of the load I am hauling in my Hull C. Am i over-stressing the clamps by hitting my q-drive to fast? OH! CRAP! 2 bickering pony/wasp ships flew in my flight path during my braking maneuver from jump exit. Has My load shifted? Are my cans safe? That kinda thing.

    Keep up the good work guys. Especially u Tony

  2. Ostron Avatar

    Great show guys.

    I don’t know that the possible delay for quantum travel will end up being that big of an issue. Most MMOs today can involve up to two minutes of mostly disengaged travel in order to complete/reach mission sites and while it’s a source of complaints from players it’s not something they refuse to tolerate. I can’t see the quantum travel going beyond that length.

    As for in-game apps, I can’t think of many off the top of my head that would be useful. Real-time commodity price info like the E:D app Lennon mentioned might give you something, but the combat is so fast-paced and already filled with info on HUDs I can’t think of an add-on that would be helpful without also being a straight up cheat. Most FPS games with multiplayer just ban such apps and mods outright. Given CIG’s previous statements about modding only being possible on private servers, I suspect something similar will be enforced when SC goes live.

  3. seannewboy Avatar

    Loved the show, great job.

    As for aps I would also like commodities and future amazon/ebay markets, while outside the game as well as inside. It would be really nice to buy some stuff offline and pick it up once im back in game. As well as news reports.

  4. UnderdogSMO Avatar

    Mini jump points are already a thing just not in the way you would like them. Only smaller ships can use them.

    also Quantum will drop you out if there is something like a planet or a ship in your path, in order for you to get into fights and not overlook some content and such.

  5. Kelder Avatar

    Terrific show as usual guys.

    Regarding fast in-system travel. The idea of “jumping” about within a system reminds me a bit too much of when World of Warcraft added their Looking for Group system which allowed players to bypass having to actually group up and travel to the various instances. Shrinking the amount of time required to travel from place to place within a system would reduce the amount of time available for game generated events to happen. Reducing the amount of time would, I think, actually create monotony. For example: for the typical space trucker, being able to skip quickly through space would create the kind of grindy back and forth trading gameplay that we see in other games. Finding that “just right” sweet spot of travel time would allow the game to add interesting distractions and keep the player’s focus more on the journey and less on the destination.

  6. Tytis Kraiger Avatar
    Tytis Kraiger

    How many of us devoted WAAAAY too much time in EVE and its travel system? I wouldnt feel guilty at all to ‘off the cuff’ guestemate I wasted 50% of my game time to travel in Eve. Spending hours in transit was too much for 1 haul. A little time compression is in order. Mini jumps is too instantaneous as Kelder notes. The time spent in travel does need to mean something even if u have to occupy urself with other things on ur ship in transit. Mini games and other activities should be promoted for this. At the very least the AC/SM simulator helmet can be stowed in anyone’s ship.

    There needs to be a level of time passage that effects our market, and to base the travel times on how soon freight can be moved from one place to another needs to be the base denominator that all other travel time compression or the lack there of is based on.

    Also the concern a person can use 3rd party coms to “cheat” the market is nullified by setting carrier contracts just like real life. With rigid pickup and delivery times u mitigate this concern.

  7. Jonathan Towry Avatar
    Jonathan Towry

    I would like an app that would allow me to spend my in-game money and then send it to my hanger. Kind of like a interstellar Amazon. This cloud even generate courier missions for other players. Great show guys!

    1. Justin Lowmaster Avatar

      Kent Dogg’s Cash App!

  8. Psilo Avatar

    Can we please start referring to [HE WHO DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE NAMED AND HIS CRUMMY COMPANY] as “The North Korea of game development”. I saw someone refer to him this way and it seems to fit beautifully given his behavior and tactics.

    1. Lennon Avatar

      The difference is, though, his missile tests were successful, hit the target, the target fired back and now they’ve fired a second missile — and this one looks good, too. Like we’ve said all along, there are flecks of gold in there, and whilst the message may get lost with the rants on his blog, it doesn’t change the fact that he does have some very valid points that will only become more apparent with his legal time.

  9. knix Avatar

    I would like a map/nav computer in an app so I can plan where I will explore next without blocking the view from my cockpit.

    On to something completely different. I saw the pricing on the new Hope Hospital ship. I think we should try to crowd fund one for Guard Frequency Response. It would be great as a mobile base of operation for the organization.

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