Guard Frequency Episode 118 | Weasel Proof Probes

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 118, of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday 29th April 2016 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, May 3rd 2016 at [Download this episode]

Lennon’s off this week because three shows in a row is just too much for the poor Brit, so the other Jeff, aka Ostron, is joining us as in this week’s Squawk Box we discuss more space weather and earth weasels. On the Flight Deck we see what news has landed from your favourite space-sims as we cover our usual trifecta of games including:

Next, we debate random component modifications, and finally we tune into the very, very large Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

This Week’s Community Questions

  • Do randomized item mods harmlessly add unique flavour to the game universe, or do they cause nothing but imbalance, envy, and strife?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show. Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






6 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 118 | Weasel Proof Probes”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Congrats to the Dest Bamn space sim podcast, excellent show.

    Mission rewards should be standardized but things found/ acquired should be more random. The logic would be differences between the original owners and the new ships.

  2. Matt Avatar

    Just got to say, you said in the show it had been in production for 5-6 years now. “””””

    Lauched late 2012 thats 3.5 years in production guys.

    1. Frankie Avatar

      “We’re already one year in – another two years puts us at 3 total which is ideal. Any more and things would begin to get stale.” – Chris Roberts, 10/19/2012

      1. Matt Avatar

        Hah good quote, what’s the context though, considering from an early stage they were saying this game is going be constantly built upon and they wanted it to run for 10 years. I very much doubt he was saying his game was going to be stale in 3 years. Also it doesn’t really mean that saying the game had been going for 6 years was wrong does it?

        Also the scale of the game changed a lot as it started to be clear they had full AAA level funding so all bets are off and thats why most of us are excited.

        Plus, if he did think dev longer than 3 years would make it stale then maybe he was wrong? he can be wrong you know.

        But he could have been right too…at 3 years ish people like you start to get antsy…but what are his choices eh? You want him to cut back to a lesser game now? is that it?

        You dropped a quote but all you have raised is questions pal haha

  3. Matt Avatar

    Also, that was the kickstarter start so building studios and ramping up takes time it will have been in full production for probably closer to 2 years.

    Yes you may have been following it a lot but we need to stay realistic, the production progress realistic has been nothing short of amazing considering the production times of other AAA titles.

    Of all people you guys should avoid making mistakes like saying it has been in development for 6 years…that throws fuel on the miss-informed fire…I am sure you will agree.

    love the show xx

  4. Matt Avatar

    In a final point, sorry about the multi-post.

    Your idea that we need more ability for the fans to say no the creatives, I think is not accurate.

    I think they do take on the fan feeling you are just being out voted, I just think MOST of us want them to be completely not held back. That is the very reason we backed this, to see it taken to the full end of the artistic idea. and with Development at 3.5 years, say it came out in 2017 thats 5 years…2018 6 years.

    Fallout 4 was 7 years, GTA V 5.5 years

    So yeah – be chill guys.

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