Guard Frequency Episode 231 | Klowns Killing It

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 231 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on September 28th 2018 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, October 2nd 2018 at

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In this week’s flight deck we bring you all the headlines from simulated space including the latest news from Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. Next, we’ll get the news from the deep black with Spencer McDunn on Galactic Public Radio. Then Commander KineticImpulser is back with help getting alien tech in Nuggets for Nuggets. After that we continue our audio adventure, Guard Frequency Origins, where the basement of wonders holds mystery and computer files. Finally, we open up the feedback loop and let you join in on the fun.

Lace up your booties, campers, it’s time to head out to the Flight Deck.

Community Question

Are you looking forward to Rebel Galaxy Outlaw’s ship customization ? How could a developer put such a feature into an online game without reaping the consequences of uh… artistic freedom

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You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say “hi!”, or check us out on Twitter via @guardfreq for details of our show times and other fun stuff.

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show. Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






5 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 231 | Klowns Killing It”

  1. H Alan Avatar
    H Alan

    Good show guys. I am looking forward to the RGO ship painting and without multiplayer you can paint your ships as erotically as you like. In your own space, no one can hear you It may need to get a streamer broadcast warning with it if the player goes public. Although it can’t be any worse than GTA graphics.


  2. seannewboy Avatar

    very entertaining, thanks everyone.

  3. Clown Bobo Avatar
    Clown Bobo


    Apologies for having been absent these past few weeks. All my equipment was confiscated immediately following this year’s Citizencon event. In “exchange” I was given a commemorative loot box containing a Speak & Spell, a portable record player, a saw blade, and other assorted household items. “Let’s see Bobo phone home NOW,” they laughed.

    Tony was right to be concerned. During CR’s keynote Elon Musk was introduced and announced as a new minority shareholder. Elon’s subsequent offer of special edition RSI/Tesla Model 3 sedans with Lifetime Insurance met with raucous applause. However, enthusiasm faded quickly as attendees realized the sale was “Warbond only” and that delivery of the cars would be Soon™.

    Accompanying the customary cutting of the Star Citizen birthday cake, a new Organization of “super fans” was introduced. The White Knights of the Wing Table were ceremoniously imbued with great authority and charged to safeguard “the Realm” against all enemies registered or unregistered. That and dole out loot boxes.

    I don’t know who Bobo Elk is. I have no aunt. I must keep moving and will remain in touch as best I can.

    Clown Bobo


  4. Bennu Avatar

    I don’t really care about the RGO ship paint customization. Not much point to painting my ship in a single player game when I don’t intend play in 3rd person view or stream.
    Being able to click a button and buy a 3d print of the ship is pretty cool, though. I’m curious to see how much that costs and if Double Damage gets a cut.

    1. Bennu Avatar

      PS – Super excited that I get to go to CitizenCon next week.

      PPS – Jeff should wander over to and UNsubscribe from all the newsletters, save the changes… get a coffee… then come back and RE-subscribe to the email newsletters. Same thing happened to me – stopped getting all the emails from CIG, filed a support ticket… nothin. Then ran into a thread on reddit where someone else had the same issue and fixed it by unsubscribing/resubscribing. Reminds me that I should go close out my support ticket.

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