Guard Frequency Episode 015 | Double Dev Feature! John Erskine and Rob Irving of Cloud Imperium Games

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, and welcome to episode 15 of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on Saturday 22nd March 2014 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday 25th March 2014 at

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Lennon, Tony and Geoff return and bring unto you a show of gargantuan proportions! In this week’s Squawk Box, we bring you Star Wars, episode 5, in the true, original Shakespearean — verily, it is a performance that should not be missed ere on pain of death. In CIG News we bring you up-to-the-minute coverage of everything happening around the UEE including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, confirmation that the Idris is getting a utility craft, the winners of the PAX-East pre-reveal competition, the WIP Gallery of the updated Vanduul Scythe, the eighth part of the Dateline: SESEN series, the latest entry into This Day In History, 10 for the Chairman Episode 12, Wingman’s Hangar 61 and the eighth episode of The Next Great Starship. We let you chose the ship for this week’s Nuggets For Nuggets and you wanted to hear everything that we know about the Retaliator, and then the highlights of the show, our double dev feature as we bring you lucky listeners not one but two interviews with the devs from Tony’s trip to CIG Austin, before finally tuning into the Feedback Loop and letting you join in the conversation!

Want to be in with a chance of winning a copy of Void Destroyer? Leave a comment on our show’s post in the Robert’s Space Industries Fan Site Forum Thread to be entered into our draw — deadline 7pm March 29th, 2014 (00h00 GMT 30th March 2014)

Topics Discussed

This Week’s Community Questions

  • What do you think of the updated Vanduul Scythe? Do you think that the internals should’ve been given a slight upgrade for human pilots? Do you worry about the cost of medical bills from the strain on your core muscles?
  • What does “alpha” mean to you? What are you expecting when the Dog Fighting Module drops? What will you be most disappointed in finding is not yet implemented?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Priority One Productions are always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Citizen or the general sci-fi world.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to

You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say “hi!”, or check us out on Twitter via @guardfreq for details of our show times and other fun stuff.

Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work!

Enjoy the show!






8 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 015 | Double Dev Feature! John Erskine and Rob Irving of Cloud Imperium Games”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Awesome show everyone. Thanks to Rob and John for their participation.
    CQ1) I love it and no let the human slime suffer.
    CQ2) Alpha means you get to see a non morning person before their first cup of coffee, everything out of place, ugly, and messed up.

    1. Lennon Avatar

      Best summary of “alpha” ever 😀

  2. RogueJawa Avatar

    Hey guys!

    After talking with Chivalrybean the other night in STO I gave the new show a listen. While I doubt I’ll be playing Star Citizen I just wanted to say congratulations, the show was awesome and provides the quality STO gamers have come to expect from Priority One Productions to the Star Citizen community. Plus it was great hearing Tony again.

    In my opinion Alpha is when you switch it on and pray it doesn’t try to divide my zero and implode the universe. I just have one complaint though. This awesome show made me sad. I said I doubt I’ll be playing Star Citizen, but now I want to. Unfortunately games in first person view give me motion sickness.

    1. Lennon Avatar

      Hey RogueJawa, glad to have you aboard!

      Don’t be sad! Star Citizen can also be played 3rd person somewhat. So far the Hangar Module and the upcoming Dogfighting module both allow it, so signs look good for implementation in the end game!

  3. Madd-Wolf Avatar

    Awesome show as always love the interviews with the Devs. I could listen to Lennon Beat box (Euro Style) all day. He should get the the: “Human Club Sound System” Accolade (Insert the Ta-Da sound clip here) lol

  4. Cyril Avatar

    First time listening to your podcast. I have to say the quality and format are top notch. Its now in my podcast app to get every new episode.

    Re: Retaliator & missile mechanics. I do have a Retaliator on order. On of the first tests I want to do when it makes it into my hands is (if possible) a ripple fire of FF missiles. There are a few times that this could save an entire fleet. Even if FF missiles are trivial to jam if there are a lot of them (say 4 pre hard-point = 48 in flight) the window for your group to escape while the enemy group is running around trying not to catch a half dozen missiles in the tail. This becomes a tricky mechanic to balance.

  5. SaL Avatar

    great f***in cast

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