Guard Frequency Episode 016 | Mark Skelton and David Ladyman of Cloud Imperium Games

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, and welcome to episode 15 of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on Saturday 29th March 2014 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday 1st April Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at

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Geoff, Lennon and Tony are back with another double dev dosage of Star Citizen for you lucky listeners! In this week’s Squawk Box we take a look at a poll conducted on Reddit asking what ships you’ve purchased and what ships you’ll be flying, and we’ll bring you our insights. In this week’s CIG News we bring you the latest Crowd Funding Update, the news that the Oculus Rift has been bought by Facebook, Showdown: Hospitals Under Siege, the hiatus episode of The Next Great Starship, the Idris Revamp, Dateline: SESEN part 9, 10 for the Chairman episode 13 and Wingman’s Hangar 62 before telling you how we’re passing the time in our regular segment Where The F**k Is The Dogfighting Module. Next, we take a look a the specs of the upcoming gunship in Nuggets For Nuggets and then we get to the highlights of the show, our Double Dev Feature with David Ladyman and Mark Skelton of Cloud Imperium Games. Finally, we tune into the Feedback Loop to hear what you have to say.

Topics Discussed

Gunship Rum Down

  • 1 1/2 ounces Captain Morgan Spice Rum
  • 3/4 ounce orange curacao
  • 1 1/2 ounces sour mix
  • Orange peel spiral for garnish
  • Super-fine sugar for rimming


  1. Rim a chilled cocktail glass with sugar.
  2. Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  3. Shake well.
  4. Strain into the prepared glass.
  5. Garnish with an orange peel spiral.

This Week’s Community Questions

  • With all the drama surrounding the Oculus Rift and the recent Facebook acquisition, we want to hear your thoughts! Is this the worst thing that could have happened to Virtual Reality, or is this a development you Like? How do you think this will impact Star Citizen?
  • What are your thoughts on the Idris Corve— err, Frigate? Now that the Idris is a Frigate, is she “OP”? Is this a prelude to opening up the manufacturing system to smaller capital ships

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work!

Enjoy the show!






5 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 016 | Mark Skelton and David Ladyman of Cloud Imperium Games”

  1. Saoldian Avatar

    Hey guys I’m a big fan of the show. I’ve been listening for a few weeks now and I really enjoy the professionalism you bring to the Verse. I especially enjoyed the achievement episode you guys had me rolling and when you put in that sound every now and then in your other episodes it’s a great laugh.

    The goat segment in this episode got me a little nervous but I’m glad you guys put it in there. Very funny and the song was awesome! Your klondike bars are in the mail.

    I gotta say I was disappointed on Tuesday to have to wait another day. Don’t let that happen again pls LOL. Regarding the Oculus, I agree with Tony, they will let it alone until they grab a decent market share and then spam it with Facebook evil and ruin it for everyone. But this will allow VR to become mainstream which will generate capital investment interest on other startups to make a headset that’s better and more for the hard core gamer, assuming Facecrook makes it another ad platform. I’m just glad I didn’t back it. The backers deserve their money back or equivalent in product. As CR, and Lennon alluded to, said in his LFTC, they needed the $ for supply and manufacturing not to mention tech qa and tweaks. VR is coming and no new tech is without its bumps and bruises.

    Keep up the great work guys…and Geoff, +1 on your fan list. Glad you got a better mic!


  2. Zeb Avatar

    Do you have a post on the RSI forums about this show? I’d love to see what other avid listeners have to say. if only there were some convenient way for me to find where that post is located…hmmm.

  3. Capt.Mitch Avatar

    My response to “Is the Idris OP now that it is a frigate” The answer to this would be no, In fact it is less powerful compared to the original Idris.
    The Idris actually lost the rear missile turret, The ship will have a lot more mass making it less maneuverable and the ship is now a much larger target to hit.

    Honestly aside from getting a larger ship the performance and offensive firepower of the Idris has been hurt by the updates.
    We will have to wait and see if the defenses will be boosted to help balance the added mass and loss of weapons.

    PS. Love the show and my ONLY complaint is that there are not more shows.

  4. Capt.Mitch Avatar

    Also I heard you respond to my comment on episode 5 and thought I might try to clarify it a little better.

    This is how I would like to see being captured.

    If you are captured then you cannot simply teleport out of the situation. You have multiple choices on how to deal with this.

    1) You become captured and can try to talk your way out/escape or pay a ransom. This is nice if you would like the opportunity to try to keep your PC.
    2) If you choose to bypass the captured mechanic then you would have to forfeit that character and you can beam into your beneficiary (death of a spaceman style).
    If you choose to opt out to your beneficiary, your old character becomes a NPC and stays with the captures.

    Later at any point if you pay a ransom or are able to free your original character you can return to the character.

    For one this would give a really good reason to try and not be captured and to try to escape but would also introduce a hefty penalty (loosing PC) for just opting out and there would be no magic get out of free card.

  5. Zambuk Avatar

    The talk about the Idris makes sense, but it still should be EXTREMELY hard to get one, or at least require some sort of rank, or…something. It would be nice for everyone to be able to have one, sure, but that would be immersion-breaking as hell, if any Joe Schmo could get a capital ship. Like, imagine this scenario: “Hey dude you and me let’s get on our Idrises and race! Then later on we can cruise around and troll for chicks!” 🙂

    Also, if it was the “real world”, wouldn’t mostly orgs (or gov’t) be the only things to have enough resources, and reason, to run such a ship? It would be something great for an org to work towards, like, FINALLY we can afford an Idris now! Personally, I’m fine with not ever owning a capital ship, as my character would be a search and rescue WORKER and realistically should never be able to OWN an Idris. But if my org owned one, that’s great! Or if I was a mining/trading magnate with tons of properties, business and cash, that would also make sense.

    This is one of my problems with the purchasable ships during this pledge phase, but i think it’ll smooth over once the PU has been live for a while.

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