Guard Frequency Episode 042 | Deep Black

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, and welcome to episode 42 of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 11th October 2014 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday 14th October 2014 at [Download this episode]

As Tony has been kidnapped and forced to go and eat scotch eggs against his will, Justin takes his seat in the hangar alongside Lennon and Geoff to bring you yet another awesome show. In this week’s Squawk Box we talk about a new material that’s so dark it absorbs virtually all light that hits it. In CIG News we bring you everything that’s happening around the UEE including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, the Letter from the Chairman for $56m, details about the Cutlass variants, all the best bits from CitizenCon 2014 and how you can test all the ships currently available in Arena Commander before moving on and discussing that most American of topics: freedom! Finally, we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

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This Week’s Community Questions

  • CitizenCon! Your hopes. Your dreams. Your disappointments. We want to hear them!

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Bonus link

Tales From The Front – Contains a story by Chivalrybean

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






3 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 042 | Deep Black”

  1. Dillek Avatar

    Another, great and enjoyable show, great work!

    Regarding variants: Remember that in Lore most of the current generation ships have been available to the public for at least ten years, enough time for major companies to research what are their buyers are using them for and develop time and resources to actually produce ships with the upgrades that most of their buyers put into their ships.
    Yes, like it was stated, you could buy the cutlass black and then upgrade the begeezus, if you so choose, like I am doing with my Connie, but it boils down to insurance. If you buy the Cutlass Red as an example, all the upgrades are included in the basic hull insurance, there is no need to buy insurance for the upgrades. For ships in which the primary function is performing a dangerous job (i.e. SAR Ops) this seems the most cost effective solution.

    Regarding CitizenCon: Although the stuff presented at the event was epic, I felt a little underwhelmed. Other Cons have been so packed of content that in comparison, this one, although awesome, fell short.

    Regarding Ship Sales: This model seems to be working for CIG and I am very happy to see that the PU will be a living, breathing, universe with many types of ships (not 5 and variations). But I would love to see CIG slowing down the sales, one every month, contrary to once every two weeks. Leave some breathing space for most of the backers. CIG will not run out of funds, I assure you. Nearly all of us are inline (with some small variations) with Chris’ Dream SpaceSim/MMO/PU/FPS idea so we’ll back him to the end.

  2. seannewboy Avatar

    Wonderful show everyone.

  3. Ostron Avatar

    So I first need to register a complaint. I cannot find documented evidence without listening to a bunch of back episodes, but I’m fairly certain I submitted the vanta-black story as a possible squawk box piece several months ago.

    Anyway, I liked the Citizen-Con presentation in general, but I wasn’t overly excited about the particulars. At the moment, it seems likely I’m going to be playing this game solo, and very few of the current features are catered to solo players; most of the ships being released are multi-crewed behemoths that many individuals can’t fly, afford, or use. Related to that, I’m not primarily in this for the combat, but all of the discussion around non-combat professions other than cargo hauling has been in the context of these huge ships, so we have no idea how or if individuals will operate in these professions (i.e. mining, exploration, salvage). (p.s. I’m only not in the GF org because S&R is not something I’m particularly aiming to do). I’m also scared of the FPS module; with the amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth that dedicated FPS games generate, I can’ help but think the FPS module is going to inundate CIG with ragefests over imbalances and gameplay mechanics.

    Bright spots were the Cutlass commercial and the opening of AC ships. I don’t own a Hornet, so I’ve been playing Vanduul Swarm in a 300i or an Aurora. Taking a Hornet in there now just feels like cheating.

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