Guard Frequency Episode 051 | The Night Before The Night Before Christmas

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, and welcome to episode 51 of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 20th December 2014 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday 23rd December 2014 at [Download this episode]

Lennon, Tony and Geoff are back once again now that they’re older, and wiser, to bring you a more mature Guard Frequency… yeah, right. In this week’s Squawk Box we discuss a satellite that’s not quite dead yet! In CIG News we bring you everything that’s happening around the UEE including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, 10 For The Chairman episode 48, why Star Citizen is secretly British, and the latest patch notes for Mac and Cheese version 1.0… I, err, mean Arena Commander 1.0. In Nuggets for Nuggets, we discuss further one of the new changes with Arena Commander, the Signature System; and finally we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

Topics Discussed

This Week’s Community Questions

  • What should we start demanding next? The FPS Module? Your favourite variant of Starship yet to be released? Virtual Tylenol for that liquor cabinet?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Bonus link

Tales From The Front – Contains a story by Chivalrybean

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






5 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 051 | The Night Before The Night Before Christmas”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Wait a minute, whats wrong with the mustang?I hope they add reasons to use the ingame comm system, to enable more gameplay options. At the very least you would want a comm officer to follow NPC’s, who i would hope do not have their own ts. Not only is space filled with noise, so is the internet, see im making noise right now, isnt that fun, go me. As for the Pegusus, go NewTypes!, i think its pretty cool.

  2. Ostron Avatar

    Great Show.

    I think you should just go for broke and demand the persistent universe beta. At least that way you won’t have to revise the title of the segment for a (long) while.

    Regarding the efficacy/utility of comms interception: despite the 10FTC question, I assumed the mechanic would have very little to do with intercepting actual voice comms and more to do with intercepting data flow between a capital ship or a Hornet Tracker and the other ships relying on the radar/targeting data. Knowing how the enemy is being directed is always an advantage.

    That said, I can think of a few instances where in-game voice comms could become tactically necessary. As Geoff mentioned, setting up a teamspeak with people other than your regular crew can be a hassle. Also, you could intercept comms between players and NPCs. Like if you find out a large ship has detached it’s fighters to go land on the planet because it was communicating with planetary traffic control, or if someone you’re hunting receives a message that cargo is ready to be picked up in another system.

  3. VTKegger Avatar

    Tony, I agree with you about the music on the Imagine trailer. Beautiful at first and then I physically lifted my headphones away from my ears when the dubstep started. I like dubstep, but THAT felt a bit too jarring and out of place. Granted, they did a good job and tying the visuals to the beat, but …still, it was like listening to a lullaby and then in the middle of it, having korn coming in to finish. (rough analogy, but you get the idea.)

    Merry Christmas guys!

    Also, we’re still working on those Space Engineers ships from Star Citizen. What have we started?!

    Some teasers:
    Engine Honey!

    I’m so Gladius to fly this!

    A passing Shadow from Galactic Gear:

    More Progress on the White Whale we call the Phoenix:

  4. Saoldian Avatar

    Great show as always guys! Good to know we are playing a British game, Let’s here it for an Imperial Star Citizen expansion…God Save the Queen and all that!

    I think you should demand the PU, as Ostron mentioned, but I’d do the Alpha because you guys may be old enough to join the VD Geriatric Team before the Beta comes out.

    …and stop picking on the Mustang, the Delta is a blast to fly!

  5. Lame Mule Avatar
    Lame Mule

    greats from denmark, great show as always, bit your player still doesn’t Work in chrome. 🙂

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