Guard Frequency Episode 065 Delays

Greetings Citizens and Civilians.

As you may have noticed, you’re not listening to the latest episode of Guard Frequency.

Once in a generation, destiny’s trumpets sound. This is not that time, but here we are. Unfortunately the issues that were plaguing Priority One’s Livestream and have lead to the delay of their release have also affected us. Our engineers are working hard to get the issue resolved, but as a result we’re having to delay the release of episode 065.

We have found a fix for the issues and are in the process of fixing it and hope to have the show out to you ASAP.

Thank you for your understanding!








2 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 065 Delays”

  1. smallcaps Avatar

    looking forward to the next show and keep up the great work. one small suggestion: consider archiving to soundcloud? cheers

  2. Lain Legoli Avatar
    Lain Legoli

    Was wondering where my Tuesday fix was!

    I forgive you! 🙂 It happens.

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© Priority One Productions LLC