Guard Frequency Episode 071 | First Person Viewpoint

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 071, of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 8th May 2015 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, May 12th 2015 at [Download this episode]

Tony, Geoff and Not Lennon are back once again and this week to ponder if we are really all alone in the night, the new tutorial, the monthly report, and our quick look at the last minute release of the FPS update and the Starfarer. In Nuggets we take a trip to RetaliCon, then do a barrel roll into the Feedback Loop and hear your thoughts.

Topics Discussed

This Week’s Community Questions

  • give us your hot read on the 1.1.2 update – a step in right direction or are we out in the deep woods again?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

View our post for the episode on the RSI forums.

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Bonus link

Tales From The Front – Contains a story by Chivalrybean

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You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say “hi!”, or check us out on Twitter via @guardfreq for details of our show times and other fun stuff.

Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






3 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 071 | First Person Viewpoint”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Did you guys see the new video showing earth in a galactic sweet spot of relatively safe radiation compared to most of the rest of the milky way?

    Where can i get my tickets to Retalicon, i want the tool for extra speed.

    wonderful show everyone.

  2. Ostron Avatar

    Great show.

    I didn’t get a chance/remember to comment on the “live” show but it was great, FVP nonwithstanding.

    This show was also good – wonderful bloopers on the live recording (still laughing about the “voice acted tool”).

    The starfarer sale almost broke me down and got me to shell out money again. The S-G was temptation incarnate, but I can’t justify $200 + dollars, particularly when I don’t have a regular crew to fly (though I’m thinking of signing up with you guys more and more as time goes on).

    That’s one complaint I have about the way CIG is currently describing the larger ships; they all have a “max crew” rating, which tells you how many people you need to fill every crew slot, but nowhere does it tell you “minimum crew”. Knowing the minimum number of people that are required to get the ship moving and doing whatever it’s supposed to do would be very helpful for those of us who have temperamental/no associates. It’s possible that you only ever need one crewman to physically move a ship in space, but that’s never been explicitly stated by CIG, and I thought they actually denied that would be the case for the capital ships in particular. I might have broken down and bought the ship if I knew there was still a possibility that I could go solo with it in a safe zone where I wouldn’t necessarily need the turrets manned or missiles reloaded.

    1. Jayce Avatar

      I believe it’s been stated that everything smaller than an Idris can be piloted by a single PC. though in some cases you might need NPCs. Larger ships will require more live players.

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