Guard Frequency Episode 072 | Fully Armed and Operational

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 072, of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on 15th May 2015 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, May 19th 2015 at [Download this episode]

Lennon, Geoff and Tony are here to bring you your weekly dose of Star Citizen goodness! In this week’s Squawk Box we learn all about a new probe heading to the dwarf-planet Pluto. In CIG News we bring you everything that’s happening from around the UEE including our weekly Crowd Funding Update, talk about the latest patch to hit live (1.1.3), 10 for the Designers episode 3, and a brief roundup of the LTI drama currently gripping the official forums. In Nuggets for Nuggets we talk Stor-All, and finally we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

Topics Discussed

This Week’s Community Questions

  • How do you think the insurance mechanic will play out in-game?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

View our post for the episode on the RSI forums.

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






5 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 072 | Fully Armed and Operational”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Perfectly executed by 24 karaoke marathon by by drunk senile lifetime smoker Xi’an, that what you all deserve, but we still adore you all.

  2. Ostron Avatar

    Good show guys.

    I don’t want to wade into the debate, but as a subscriber & original backer, I’ve definitely felt burned on several occasions (3 questions becoming 10FTC was my personal pet peeve).

    Ben L touched on the impact of LTI in a reverse the verse: he mentioned that Privateer (orginal game) had a 50 credit landing fee auto-deducted every time you landed anywhere. I played that game back in the day and never noticed it. He said paying for insurance would have the same impact. Makes sense to me, though I agree with Tony that a more robust/complicated claims resolution process wouldn’t be out of place.

    In general though, CIG seems dead scared of their own economy, probably because of the number of people who are counting on SC to solve every problem other MMOs have had with their economies (EvE is often brought up as exhibit “A”). There were a lot of questions about fuel use and costs cropping up with the Starfarer sale, and CIG dodged most of them, too. I shudder to think of the theorycrafting firestorm that will erupt after the first economic design post.

  3. Innigo Avatar

    Great show guys, always brightens up my Tuesday.

    Just wanted to say I agreed with Tony about AI controlled gimballed weapons. When you’ve got enemy ships moving like mountain goats that have been set on fire and your own ship handles like a startled gazelle on steroids, trying to actually land shots on target is quite a major chore.

    And if we’re going to have AI driven turrets, there’s no reason to have AI driven gimbals.

  4. Jade Avatar


    I wanted to add a comment regarding the LTI issues that have been swirling around lately.

    As a long time backer, I feel that my role is to help create what is shaping up to be an amazing game. I signed up to: help fund the development, find bugs, and provide input on game design. I don’t really care about any of the perks. And feel that the LTI issues have been blown out of proportion. LTI is nice but will probably be inconsequential in the PU.

    I understand backers providing constructive criticism. But I don’t get folks who complain about a pre-release game before the game is released.

    Keep up the great work guys. You are helping to make the long wait for the game almost bearable


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