Guard Frequency Episode 113 | Catching Up with Paul Watson of HCS Voicepacks

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, you’re tuned to episode 113, of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday 25th March 2016 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, March 29th 2016 at [Download this episode]

Lennon’s back and joins Geoff and Tony for another week wading through the space-sim news. To get things going, in this week’s Squawk Box… it rises from the deep! On the Flight Deck we see what news has landed from your favourite space-sims as we cover:

Next, Geoff gathers Tony and Lennon’s thoughts on player run economies, and finally we tune into the Feedback Loop and let you join in on the conversation.

This Week’s Community Questions

  • We want to hear your thoughts on Player Run Economies — does it help with immersion to have control over the monies as well as your ship, or should we stick true to playing the vision designed for us?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






7 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 113 | Catching Up with Paul Watson of HCS Voicepacks”

  1. Turkish Ze'German Avatar
    Turkish Ze’German

    Stu’s Mom Star Barges.. WTFROFLAMO..

  2. Adon Avatar

    My preference for a player run economy changes based on the game. In games that have either (or both) a robust crafting system and where not much power comes from your equipment (like Ultima Online or Darkfall) then I’m ok with player run economies. Short of those I would like the developer to at minimum keep a watchful eye.

    General feedback.
    Quick note on the ‘xbox generation’ age. I was 10 when the first playstation came out twenty years ago. I was 16 when the Xbox came out 14 years ago. The people who grew up on consoles are not turning 20 and just getting into their jobs, we’re 30 and well established in our careers :).

  3. Adon Avatar

    Also, I forgot to say: I loved the show and the intro was fantastic. Keep up the good work.

  4. seannewboy Avatar

    Wonderful show everyone, great job.

    I think player run economies should be interfered with , to deal with trolls. I think that would be a good system for persistent games.

    P. S. As Emperor i was checking my vassals in the far flung reaches of my empire, i had to keep them in line, that is why i was gone for 2 weeks.

  5. Cyril Avatar

    You missed the obvious on the physical merchandise; it would be irrational to ship any package tied merchandise before the packages are locked in. No gifting and no melting AT ALL for physical packages would be a requirement for delivering the physical goods. I don’t think they are ready to do that just yet.

  6. Sao Avatar

    Player run economies? Can players really run anything? We need structure, otherwise it will become chaos, mass pandemonium, 1984, cats and dogs living together,…eve. Nope players can’t and shouldn’t determine the economic mechanics of a game, but only influence it. Unless it’s Federal Reserve Simulator. (Good luck developing that.)

  7. Tarka Avatar

    Great show guys. Here’s my take on player run economies:

    Players cannot resist taking the “path of least resistance”, sometimes even resorting to exploiting games in unintended ways, just to obtain their goals. Which is why I think in-game economies should never be completely player-run. However, I also feel they shouldn’t be controlled down to a micro-level by devs either because too much control can result in stagnant economies.

    Which is why I think in-game economies really only work when devs create an infrastructure that is flexible enough to allow for emergent economic gameplay, whilst ensuring that they can still maintain control over it when needed.

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