Guard Frequency Episode 008 | Lynch Fever? More Cowbell!

Greetings Citizens and Civilians, and welcome to episode 8 of Guard Frequency, the universe’s premier Star Citizen podcast recorded on Saturday 1st February 2014 and released for streaming and download on 4th February 2014 at

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Lennon, Tony and Geoff gather in the hangar once again to chew the fat on all things Star Citizen! In this week’s Squawk Box, we tell you OUR most valuable post (even if it is a little self-serving), and then we crank it up to 11 as we bring you all the latest goodness from around the UEE including the latest Crowd Funding Update, the first look at the Asteroid Hangar, the latest lore (News Update: Kaizen and Dateline: Sesen), the Galactic Guide to Aegis Dynamics, our take on The Next Great Starship, Episode 1 and the welcome return of WTFITDFM. Next we let Tony get all giddy and tell us about his ride, the Constellation, in Nuggets for Nuggets before we tune in to the Feedback Loop and hear what’s incoming from you, our listeners.

We’re looking for a new artist to join our ranks and a community manager so if you have a creative streak you’re dying to let loose or you’re an irrepressible gossip hound then get in touch!  Please note that all positions at Priority One Productions are volunteer — this is a labour of love — but we do offer a well known outlet for your creative work and we look great on a resumé or CV.

Topics Discussed

Community Questions

  • What do you think Lynch Fever is going to do for our game play in the ‘verse?  Swimmy first person shooter perspectives? Major plot point?  Excuse for “checkpoints” in otherwise totally open space?  Some of both, neither?
  • What other jobs do you want to see supported by the game mechanics?  Space-Policeman?  Space-Telemarketer?  Space-Drive-Thru-Operator?  Is there anything you always wanted to be when the human race grew up?

Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

Our Organisation: Guard Frequency Response

Click here to go to our Organisation page and apply today!

Looking to get up to speed on Star Citizen? Then check out Eidolonius’ excellent summary of everything we know so far at

Priority One Productions are always looking for new team members that have a passion for Star Citizen or the general sci-fi world.  Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience along with a few writing samples to

You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to and say “hi!”, or check us out on Twitter via @guardfreq for details of our show times and other fun stuff.

Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, Contact Us using our handy web form or leave your comments on the Roberts Space Industries forums!

Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show.  Visit for more of his work!

Enjoy the show!






8 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 008 | Lynch Fever? More Cowbell!”

  1. Chivalrybean Avatar

    I would totally be on board with investigating insurance claims!

    But the real question is, can players be a part of insurance fraud? Could I (not that I ever would) as a player eject while my ships rams an asteroid laden with some explosives, salvage the bits, say it was pirates, and see if I can get away with it at a profit?

  2. Lennon Avatar

    I’m not sure on the ejection mechanic yet, but I’d guess that it’s probably restricted to only ejecting when at X% hull to prevent exactly this sort of thing.

  3. Chivalrybean Avatar

    So I ran the asteroid first.

    Carefully {:0D

  4. Pally Avatar

    A good job might be to operate a traveling bordello servicing the mining planets – It should increase morale lol

  5. Chivalrybean Avatar

    In SW Galaxies I believe you could be a dancer and it would give skill boosts. Naturally there are no skills in SC, but these kinds of social abilities would be neat, being a performer of some sort, musician, singer, acrobatics.

    Maybe this isn’t the right game for that, but maybe there’s a place.

  6. Pally Avatar

    Just wondering if the game will have “resets”, eg WoW your gear becomes obsolete every patch. I suppose one way to do it would be to bring out, say the constellation Mk 2, a slightly better version of the original. It would put money back into the economy, give newbies a chance to catch up and there might even be a second hand ship market. It would also be logical, as there are always new models of everything coming out in rl.

  7. seannewboy Avatar

    Great episode guys.

    I would love to set up a mobile repair/modification business. 4 Guys with welders and a space ship, the best parts and the fastest turnaround, we will have you flying in light seconds.

    1. Chivalrybean Avatar

      So some of us set up to damage ships … and conveniently nearby …

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