Guard Frequency Episode 237 | Clock Cycles On Your MK I Eyeballs

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 237 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on November 9th 2018 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, November 13th 2018 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight DeckStar Citizen, Elite Dangerous & Descent (Just Descent)
  • Galactic Public Radio w/ Spencer McDunn
  • Nuggets for Nuggets:  Commander KineticImpulser is jumping off the track and shovin’ into overdrive as he covers the single launched fighters
  • Guard Frequency Origins: The adventure continues in The Quest for the Garbage Chute.
  • Feedback Loop

Community Question(s)

Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen: Is Star Citizen 3.3.5 still on for mid Q4?

Will Descent Underground make it out in time for Black Friday?

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show. Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






4 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 237 | Clock Cycles On Your MK I Eyeballs”

  1. Druid Avatar

    I’ve been getting a 504 gateway error for the last 3 weeks when I try to download an episode. I’m doing it from my phone and have tried both Firefox and Chrome.

  2. H Alan Avatar
    H Alan

    Is Star Citizen 3.3.5 still on for mid Q4 (end of Nov)? Sure – the real question is will the 3.3.5 roadmap remain the same or will it be updated to accommodate only what they’ll actually publish. Time (2 weeks) will tell.

    I bought Descent Underground when Eric “Wingman” Peterson left CIG for Descendent Studios. There are so many 6DOF games on the event horizon, the wait for them seems eternal.

    Geoff, my current rig is 6 yrs old (i7-2600K) and I too build for me and not for a game. However, with SC/S42 being my most anticipated game, I’ll wait for it’s actual release and money can no longer be spent on concept ships before collecting components for the next build.

    Thanks guys for providing your content. As usual, listening to your show is informative and entertaining. Shiv, hold the mayo and don’t confuse it with the floor wax.!

  3. seannewboy Avatar

    Wonderful show

    So what ED calls stealth is really just low em emissions, not an active jamming system. Does it have a wild weasel system? ECCM?

  4. seannewboy Avatar

    Captains log supplemental : not bets either way on 3.3.5, cig just has no credibility either way. As for Descent, it would be a nice christmas present..

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