Guard Frequency Episode 244 | [Concern] Male Bones in Female Bodies

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 244 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on January 18, 2019 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck: Star Citizen, and Elite Dangerous, and things Henry wants to talk about
  • Galactic Public Radio w/ Spencer McDunn
  • Guard Frequency Origins:  A wonderful new beginning to a fantastical quest
  • Feedback Loop

Community Question(s)

  • On a scale of One to Geoff, how mad are you about the fan fiction requirements released by CI?
  • Are you getting out into the deep black with the distant worlds expedition?

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show. Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






6 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 244 | [Concern] Male Bones in Female Bodies”

  1. H Alan Avatar
    H Alan

    So was it the Jehovah Fire Department Chiv?

    For the Cloud Imperium fan art update, I’m at a Geoff +42 level. I don’t create content but I do consume it. I don’t like the idea of creators being hogtied in any form. I think as long as it is free to consume (like CITCON right?), there’s no foul. Star Citizen has a talented community. I believe the FAN KIT dump makes Cloud Imperium free to incorporate (or order a take down) whatever is created by the fan base free of charge and without source credit.

    Bottomline, It’s a bad move that MAY get reversed once the first EULA infringement is made public and C.R. is forced to backtrack (like CITCON right?).

    Good show. I’m liking the new story sandwiched between GPR and Feedback. Ummm, Tasty!

  2. seannewboy Avatar

    Wonderful show everyone. Keep up the good work.

    cq1) Total Geoff, this is just utter ignorant slut territory. I felt the same about CBS’s star trek decision as well. Fanfiction typically does more to help source material interest than hurt it. Well other than rule 34 stuff, that’s a mixed bag.

    Is it lost on anyone that one character in the rpg seems to do better with rolls than the rest, or is that just me?

  3. BennuRa Avatar

    I guess I just watch ATV differently. When I watched the bit about the female animations (the bit at the “7:20 mark”) I heard him talking about the general process flow for a particular animation – first they’ll use the automated tool, then they’ll try to tweak it, and then they’ll fall back to shooting more motion capture. In other words, I didn’t hear “Oh yeah, we’re totally going back later and re-doing all the female animations with mo-cap.” It didn’t sound like he was talking about their current progress.
    FWIW, I stopped at the part where Tony said that he wouldn’t read the new Star Citizen disclaimer. Seriously? Adding 10 seconds of lawyer speak is too hard for the lawyer? Especially on a podcast where the first 3 minutes is boilerplate with the same intro music, listen to our other podcasts, etc.
    Anyway, I’m taking a break from you guys – it just hasn’t been fun to listen.

  4. L-Wook Avatar

    I don’t know guys, I wouldn’t sweat the CIG fun embargo.. I don’t think ordering orgs to take down silly lore posts or a podcast to stop reporting on inverse going ons is a valuable effort, just don’t take their fanpack or sign anything let them be the bad guys (you have a pretty big voice to denounce such a move). Sorta sounds like Derek helped Tony put some cat poopoo in his own sandbox, we’re not at 5 alarm corporate level greasey yet.
    For the record, Henry, I have fairly deep roots in the AGS community and Tartigrades was in the works long before anyone spoke of that tv show I have never been interested in watching…

    1. henry Avatar

      Hello L-Wook,

      I am aware that Tardigrades came first. I’m thinking this is going to go bad for Disco. Did I say something other than that on the show? It seems from your comment you might think i’m on the other side of that issue.

      Thanks for the feedback and thanks for listening!

    2. henry Avatar


      I just finished listening to the show and I heard the comment you were referring to. I was 100% absolutely, totally, completely and whole heartedly being sarcastic. I thought that would have been apparent from my tone but apparently I was incorrect. I will try to watch the sarcasm. Thanks!

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