Guard Frequency Episode 271 | #HenryWasRight

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 271 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on August 16, 2019 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at

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Community Questions

  • Anybody got any tips or tricks for making No Man’s Sky work better… or at all?
  • Did you guys have fun with Rebel Galaxy Outlaw?

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4 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 271 | #HenryWasRight”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Deja Vu, ep 270.

  2. P.T. Bobo Avatar
    P.T. Bobo

    Dear IRL Lawyer (Tony):

    It appears to my Circian eye that Crytek has now paid the price of admission to see what is under the CI big top. Please correct me if this is not the case.


    Assuming my assumption isn’t without gristable merit, can you please explain to the Citizenry, using as few big and or Latin words possible –

    • What happens to the five hundred large between now and when the case is over?
    • Under what circumstances will Crytek lose the five hundred?
    • What is the scope of information Crytek can reasonably request? Can they depose current and or former employees?
    • What are the chances information from discovery will be leaked? I.e. how much popcorn in SCUs will this representative cheap-seat agent consume between now and the end of March 2020, and why is the answer 42?



    Barnum & Bobo, LLC – “Small clowns writ large”

  3. Duncan Avatar

    Hello, I made a haggis pizza, does anyone want to see photos and my review?

  4. Duncan Avatar

    I must report that I’ve been playing No Man’s Sky VR with an Oculus Rift S. I haven’t experienced the problems you mentioned. The HUD is always lined up, the trade terminal works with a grab and pull, picking plants is just a button press. It is satisfying to pull the multitool from your shoulder and useful to be able to shoot in one direction while looking in another.

    For me the only problem is that there is no way to pause the game while in VR (the world is still live even if you are in the menus or alt-tabbed out), and the camera function has been removed.

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