Guard Frequency Episode 279 | Negative Latency Jerk Controls

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 279 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on October 11, 2019 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at

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Links and the Like

Star Citizen Roadmap (10/11/2019)

Cloud Imperium Financial Filings

Google Stadia Negative Latency Prediction [PCGamesN]

Elite: Dangerous September Update Patch 3 [Official]

Community Questions

  • What’s your take on the Negative Latency?
  • Where’s Chris and what is he doing?
    (Extra Credit for creativity and Photoshop)

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2 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 279 | Negative Latency Jerk Controls”

  1. Gek Bobo Avatar
    Gek Bobo

    Granduncle Geoff,

    I am reaching out again so soon because my situation has suddenly become much stranger. I am not alone.

    There is a man here, a human. The ship is so huge, I assume he has been here all along, but I can’t be sure. I don’t think he knew I was aboard. Soon after sending my last transmission, I heard unusual noises. I went to investigate.

    I found a naked human man entering into then exiting out of a storage locker. Each time he exited he said, “Oh. Hi Mark.” And then he would pretend to fight someone with an invisible sword while making strange electrical whooshing sounds with his mouth. After repeating this sequence three or four times, the naked human man noticed me. I became instantly petrified. I couldn’t move.

    Awkwardly snapping to attention the naked human man said, “Welcome aboard the TCS Tiger Claw, Sir! I am the Hollywood Director, who might you be?” But he didn’t wait for an answer. He instead ran away at top speed yelling something about not touching his distortion cannon.

    The next time I saw the Hollywood Director he was fully clothed and barking out orders to people who weren’t there. “Quiet on the set! Rolling! Annnnnnd action! … No no NO! Cut cut CUT!” A daguerreotype showing the Hollywood Director in action is included.

    The last time I saw the Hollywood Director he was standing in front of the bridge display port, quietly watching the stars whizz past. Speaking to no one he said out loud, “we’re going to a planet where I get to finally realize my vision.” Excited, I chose that moment to speak up and so I asked where this planet is and what it is called. Thus startled, the Hollywood Director gawked at me as if I had dared violate an immutable protocol of station. “I cannot create under these conditions,” he screamed, then ran away and I’ve not seen him since.

    Your faithful second cousin twice removed,

    Gek Bobo

    PS – Fortunately, the Hollywood Director has shown no interest in the truss.

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Negative latency is a silly term, but it sounds like they’re just describing something similar to rollback netcode (such as GGPO) that’s already used in video games. The challenge would be that while GGPO works really well for fighting games, the added complexity of other genres may make predictions more difficult, which would limit the effectiveness of rollback netcode in providing a smooth experience. Plus, in rollback netcode, both sides are running the game and simulating the next possible outcomes. This is why it can reduce the “perceived” latency. In the case of Stadia, I imagine that since the Chromecast is not doing any simulations, it is instead buffering a number of different videos and playing the correct one based on the user input. So it would be incredibly memory intensive.

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