Guard Frequency Episode 358 | Sorry, It’s British

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 358 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on June 4, 2021 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at

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Links & the Like

  • Elite Dangerous dropped another dot-patch yesterday and a roadmap today. In patch news, it was either two steps forward and one step back, or one step forward and two steps back – depending on who you ask. In roadmap news, well, it’s not really a roadmap. And it’s not a signpost either. It’s an itinerary. In other words, it’s a list of places they’d like to go and times that they think they will show up there. It’s distinctly lacking in description of how they will get there or what they will do once they arrive. I think Guard Frequency is going to officially make “roadmap” a “red flag” word like “early access” and “time-share.”
  • Star Citizen has Bengals and Greycats and Lightnings, oh my! And while Elite Dangerous has interstellar taxis now, CIG has flying buses – well, it WILL have flying buses.
  • No Man’s Sky sneaks in another update, this one is called Prisms. That’s probably because this patch is mostly visual improvements. But there’s also the flying pets, sick beats, and pages of bug fixes. I hope FDev is paying attention.

Community Questions

  • Are you clear on the destination of the roadmap for the Odyssey Updates?
  • Are you going to see what goodies Sean Murray is giving away in No Man’s Sky?

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  • Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game






2 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 358 | Sorry, It’s British”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Great content everyone.

    Will the flying busses be double decker?

  2. Blizzard36 Avatar

    No more patches until console launch, at least once they finish these June updates, is a huge mistake. Let’s be clear, a whole lot of console people are going to be looking at the current state when deciding if they should buy the game. And FDev just said the current state of the visible game, on PC, is still going to be unfinished when it goes on sale for consoles.

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