Co-op Vanduul Swarm Gameplay Video

Finally got a recording of co-op Vanduul swarm with Tony, Geoff, and Chivalrybean!

Chiv has a few short thought on it on his personal blog as well.







One response to “Co-op Vanduul Swarm Gameplay Video”

  1. T'Challa Avatar

    Very Nice Fellas, Love the game play vid.
    Really Nice work on the podcast, I epically enjoyed last week’s episode about how SC is charging so much for ships even though the game is still in Alpha. The points you guys laid out on the about this struck home with how I’ve been feeling as of late.
    Now I fully understand as you stated we’re helping fund the game by subscribing with $10 or $20 a month and purchasing ships and other various items, but Whoa the cost of these ships can put a strain on the old bank account if you go crazy buying. I myself have purchased the Constellation the Aurora and the Origin 325a wanted a few more but ouch.

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