Guard Frequency Episode 243 | Heart in Hand

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 243 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on January 4, 2019 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck: Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous
  • Galactic Public Radio w/ Spencer McDunn
  • Nuggets for Nuggets: Commander KineticImpulser lights you up and pulls you over as he covers interdiction
  • Guard Frequency Origins: A satisfying ending to the second adventure we swear really this time.
  • Feedback Loop

Community Question(s)

  • What were your favorite game highlights of 2018?
  • What were the biggest disappointments for you in 2018?

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Thanks to Ronald Jenkees for his permission to use his music in our show. Visit for more of his work! Enjoy the show!






6 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 243 | Heart in Hand”

  1. Druid Avatar

    You can’t right click save as on mobile. Long pressing doesn’t work either.

    1. First Verse Problems Avatar
      First Verse Problems

      Hi Druid. This was meant for desktop applications at this time. I’ll add it to the wish list for things to do!

  2. BennuRa Avatar

    Good show – looking forward to the 3rd adventure now that things are wrapped up. How many hours did you guys actually play the RPG? And was it all in one day?
    While I initially feared pressing play, my general feedback is that I greatly enjoyed not hearing the conversation between Tony and Mr. Smart.
    My favorite gaming moments of 2018 were all at Citizencon. The panels were interesting and getting to play the new flight model was good, too. I’m looking forward to 3.5
    My biggest disappointment was the SQ42 roadmap. I really wanted to believe the “launch party in Dec 2019” rumor. – so part of the disappointment is in the Q2 2020 “beta” date. The other part of my disappointment is that the roadmap’s design implies that they’ve just started. It would have been good to have it show progress from 2012 to 2018, I suspect that some (all?) SQ42 chapters were playable with Cryengine flowgraph and lua powering the interactions with NPCs and story branching…. and then things like subsumption, OCS, and multithreading meant that the lua and flowgraph had to be trashed. But that’s pure speculation.

    1. Ken from Chicago Avatar
      Ken from Chicago

      Sorry, Bennu Ra, the roadmaps were not retrospective, otherwise the Star Citizen roadmap would have covered game development from 2012 (or earlier) onward. Both roadmaps show game development going forward–from the time they are *first* published.

      The SC roadmap is from the end of 2017 going forward.
      The S42 roadmap is from the end of 2018 going forward.

      Now the first roadmap is retrospective only because they don’t erase the roadmap as development proceeds and time passes. However I think there are fan-made timelines that do chart the entire progress of game development online.

  3. seannewboy Avatar

    Great show everyone, superb way to start the year.

    cq1) the Citcon news was great, i hope there are no more changes to the timeline going forward.

    cq2) not getting more from CIG.

  4. H Alan Avatar
    H Alan

    Catching up, so I’m referencing some old topics.

    No Idris release because SQ42 missions will have you searching it for the escaped prisoners and/or contra-ban, fighting/ambushing Vanduul boarding parties, etc and they don’t want all the hidey-holes disclosed before release.

    The Division 2 is my 2019 anticipated game. In space games, it’s Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw and the Descent redux.

    My 2018 highlight was CIG releasing the SQ42 roadmap. Yea !
    My 2018 lowlight was CIG’s SQ42 roadmap. Beta in Q2 2020 and not a release date in sight – yet. I agree with you guys that Alpha Q1 2020 doesn’t belong on the roadmap. If they needed a column filler entry for Q1 2020, It could be renamed to ‘Wrap-up Alpha’.

    Now that I’m caught up, good show guys. Geoff, time for a nap. Brian, time to kick the cat. Henry, time to double down on the entendres. Lennon, time for a cameo. Mikey, time pump up the jams. Tony, plenty of time to be right.

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