Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 282 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on November 1, 2019 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- Star Citizen
- Elite: Dangerous
- Everspace 2
- Google Stadia
- The Outer Worlds (aka Tony and Geoff’s new careers in the Halcyon system)
- Tune in to Galactic Public Radio with Spencer McDunn
- We continue our audio adventure, Guard Frequency Origins, where you can be our wingman anytime.
- Feedback Loop
Links and the Like
- Star Citizen Playable Now Stats [Official]
Community Questions
- How fast is your internet? Please give your answer in terms of a fraction of the speed of light.
- How many hours do you spend in the Star Citizen game versus other forms of content?
Patreon Backing
We love bringing you this show each week, but would also love your support? If you enjoy listening and want to contribute to us being the Best Damn Space Sim Podcast Ever, then go to our Patreon page and look at all of the rewards and loot you would be eligible to receive.
Join Us In Game!
- Click here to go to our Star Citizen Organization page and apply today!
- Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game
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