Guard Frequency Episode 286 | Super Mega Ultimate Guineaquids

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 286 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on December 6, 2019 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at

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This Week’s Schedule

Links and the Like

  • What is Dept for Equity Swap [Source: Investopedia]
  • CI and Turbulent Partnership Extension [Official]

Community Questions

  • Did the stock thing make any sense to you?
  • Is five days enough for a beta test?
  • When should lore give way to game mechanics?

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One response to “Guard Frequency Episode 286 | Super Mega Ultimate Guineaquids”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    If a game is based on preexisting lore that the community is intimately familiar with, I can see it being “important” to implement the lore over gameplay to lend authenticity to the game. An X-wing doesn’t fully feel like an X-wing if it can’t “lock s-foils in attack position”, so gameplay adjusts to fit the lore even if realistically it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense (and authors later make up lore to retcon why they “make sense” when the original reason was the designer liked the look).

    Star Citizen isn’t out yet. And the lore for it is scattered across videos, interviews, forum posts, convention panels, etc. The gameplay should come first. Now design documents should outline the intent of how the gameplay should feel. But those documents, not the lore, should be what are adhered to. One minor caveat is that the design document should also be reasonable: even if CI wanted to force there to be delays in communication, realistically players would just jump on Discord out of game. People would write programs that mine info and publish it “in real time. In every other game people find a work arounds to “cheat the system”, and there’s no reason to think Star Citizen would be any different.

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