Guard Frequency Episode 310 | Mikey Has To Build A Fort This Weekend

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 310 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on June 12, 2020 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at

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This Week’s Schedule

Links & the Like

  • Elite Dangerous patched the game to bring carriers online and did a traditional day one dot-dot patch. So, that went according to plan. Now they’re busy emptying out the fun hole again, which is too bad, because we almost got to deploy our favorite hashtag…. #TonyWasWrong. Do better, Frontier. Do better.
  • Star Citizen sends 3.10 to the Avocados and insists that it is – in fact! – Aliens this week in Inside Star Citizen. And we’re still waiting on the rest of the epic month… somebody do a wellness check on Brian Chambers, please.
  • No Man’s Sky starts building the singularity and there’s nothing Geoff can do to stop it. Also, Star Wars is getting back in the space sim game, we think, maybe?

Community Questions

  • How are you going to fill in the fun hole with your fleet carrier?
  • Are you ready for another flight model change in Star Citizen?

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  • Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game






4 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 310 | Mikey Has To Build A Fort This Weekend”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Great job everyone.

  2. Rising Avatar

    Thank you, nice show. Entertaining as always.
    CQ1: I don’t own a carrier. Not beeing able to be on it’s bridge and fly it through space spoiled part of owning one. Having upkeep costs did the rest.
    CQ2: “The only constant in life is change”-Heraclitus

    Generell feedback: I was listening to the show on my way back home on wednesday, living in UTC+1. Only then I realized that Guard Frequency’s own Skiffy was offering the carrier taxi trip to Sagittarius A* and Colonia for free – starting on exactly this wednesday.
    Rushed home, ignored my family and entered the discord – the first jump was already taken. But then – Skiffy hit the brakes and was kind enough to wait for me getting my CMDR’s holo a** (holo impersonification) on board. Thank you for that great announcement and the opportunity!
    Woke up this morning and was happy to find myself at Sag A*! Everyone on discord was extremly nice and I’m looking forward the next steps in this little adventure! Fun was had, so back to CQ1: at least Skiffy’s fleet carrier filled my fun hole!

  3. Marked Smudge Avatar
    Marked Smudge

    Hey Guys,
    Long time since I’ve listened to your podcast ( last time was someone was trying to repair a cyborg dog in your Elite RPG?)
    Hearing about the carrier gameplay got me in the mood to start downloading Elite again but unfortunately that died when someone said Galnet has gone, part of the fun was listening to the latest news.

    C1) Not that I’ve played it but I’d use some Ronseal filler for that, it’ll never let you down.
    C2) Yes, I have played SC since the start and loved the flight model until they changed it recently, it doesn’t work for fun gameplay and I didn’t at all enjoy for combat, so I’ve been running “flour” and “herbal tea” around the system. I can live with them changing it but it needs support afterwards, CIG like to put something in and not then work on it for at least another year, I’ve not known any other company to do that.

    Well time to jump into my Cutter and see what’s new.

    Hopefully see you in game
    Smudge XoXo

    1. Marked Smudge Avatar
      Marked Smudge

      also if seannewboy is still doing that he’s got to have a bot putting on that comment by now.

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