Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 331 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on November 13, 2020 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- The news from the deep black with Spencer McDunn on Galactic Public Radio
- We continue our audio adventure, Guard Frequency Origins, hitting the brakes and letting them fly right by.
- Feedback Loop
Links & the Like
Guard Frequency: Origins premieres with Mission 1
- Star Citizen is announcing the declaration of the news that its annual virtual spaceship convention, the two-thirds inappropriately named Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, will be starting next week. The two-week long event will include hangar-ready ships and a free fly and another Jeremy Clarkson ripoff second only to Tony’s Jeremy Clarkson ripoff. Also, the first version of the reputation system will be released in the next Early Access patch, and will be QUOTE “service driven” END QUOTE which we will either speculate about or give you real news about, depending on how much I (Brian) understands about that term.
- Elite: Dangerous is doing more rollicking sustained gusto with their in-game lore developments, including another CG with a special double-engineered FSD. And that will have to be enough for you all. Because due to additional COVID measures in England, the next Odyssey Dev Diary is going to be delayed until December. There’s no announcement about a delay to the DLC, just a delay in the update to the preview to the announcement to the DLC. Which is no cause for alarm or concern and there is nothing to see here. Oh, look over here, in a move that is by no means a distraction, go get Elite for free on the Epic store all next week!
Also, there was an extended downtime which makes everyone wonder “what did the Devs sneak into the game when we weren’t looking?” - In the Black, the space game formerly known as Starfighter, Inc., is giving away free beta keys via Alienware Arena. Just register a free account and they’ll send you a steam code. As of this recording, there are still 12,000 available, so tell your friends! And for all you Guard Frequency: Origins fans, we’ve got Adventure 1 completely remastered and available for download when this show drops on Tuesday. It’s four hours of space-faring hijinks and tomfoolery that you don’t want to miss!
Community Questions
- Should you be able your reputation score in the game or do you want a little mystery?
- Are you worried about further delays to the Odyssey release?
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- Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game
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