Guard Frequency Episode 429 | Regression Testing the Consolation Brownies

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 429 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, January 27 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
    • Starfield
  • Feedback Loop

Links & The Like

Elite: Dangerous

Elite Dangerous announced the date of the announced Update 14 dot patch, which is officially the 14 [dot] zero two patch, and that date was January 30. But today they announced that the date of the release will be delayed and the new date will be announced in a later announcement at a later date. Also the new AX weapon stablizers have been released, with a few supply chain problems slowing the rollout at first. The size three version should be widely available now, with the size five version showing up in all good Pilot’s Federation approved outfitters on February 2nd. Finally, a super special surprise: an enhanced Xeno scanner! Now you can scan Thargoids from the safety and comfort of 2 kilometers away, which is out of range of their lightning weapon, but well within reach of their caustic missiles, main cannons, shutdown fields and thargon swarms. So, not great, but better than snuggling up for cuddle times with a homicidal azalea.

Star Citizen

Star Citizen updated Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 3.18 on for the Wave 1 PTU testers – and are still stubbornly refusing to add more letters to the end of it. So, we’ll just have to try to keep track ourselves. This is probably number 28. This time they are asking for proof that bugs are NOT fixed and have set up a google form for that. And finally, we know it’s almost Groundhog Day at CIG because once again a senior developer goes on the Disco Lando Space Talk Show to remind everyone that the game is not only still in testing but is not ever going to address a major player issue via the dev process. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m proud to reintroduce the updated version of a Star Citizen development classic: Griefers’ Paradise.


Microsoft announced a bunch of new titles for XBox on Wednesday, and they didn’t talk about Starfield, which obviously means it’s delayed. But they didn’t talk about a delay, so it means it’s on time. But there’s a crowded launch calendar with two other Bethesda title already scheduled for May and June, so it’s clearly going to be delayed. But Microsoft wants to book Starfield’s revenue for this fiscal year, which ends June 30, so that clearly means it will be released on time. In the meantime, nobody cares about the other games anyone else is releasing, so why are we bothering to talk about anything besides Starfield?

Community Questions

  • Dream up your preferred system for the SC whiteboard to deal with griefers in service beacons? Anything goes, because we love the game we’re building.
  • With FDev making Thargoid killing easier than ever, does that hurt the “endgame” for expert players?

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One response to “Guard Frequency Episode 429 | Regression Testing the Consolation Brownies”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    Wonderful show everyone, thank you.

    cq1) complete the game, the griefers will all have heart attacks and die from shock. Devils advocate: so would most of us, there are no perfect solutions.

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