Guard Frequency Episode 425 | Emergent Podcasting

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 425 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday December 30 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, January 2, 2023 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
  • Feedback Loop

Links & The Like

Elite: Dangerous

Elite Dangerous is in full-on war mode, and it may be possible that some dials still need tweaking. For one thing, it’s now pretty easy to stop them, but it is WAY too hard to take back control. And all the AX weapons we have now are all the AX weapons we’re going to get for the moment. So don’t go looking for any more CGs for any more goodies in the near future. And finally, we have an expert panel of experienced Elite players to give their firsthand account of how the new mechanic has shaken out in the first month or so. Also, I will be there.

Star Citizen

Star Citizen released both a Letter from the Chairman AND a financial “brochure” on its website today. And it all boils down to two takeaways: First: they are making more money than is fit or proper for mere mortals and Second, the Pyro System and Static Server Meshing are coming in the fourth quarter of 2023…. Except they’re probably not.

Community Questions

  • Predict the big headline for the end of 2023 for Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen? Have the Thargoids taken over the bubble? Has 4.0 actually been released TO LIVE? – PTU doesn’t count.
  • How many hours will you have in Starfield at the end of 2023?

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3 responses to “Guard Frequency Episode 425 | Emergent Podcasting”

  1. Ken from Chicago Avatar
    Ken from Chicago


    1a) Pyro is delayed until Q3 2024, but CitizenCon 2023 almost made up for it.

    1b) The Thargoids DO have a civil war–with the Thargoid Rebels exploiting resources in the Bubble to fight their evil Thargoid Overlords.

    2) If I do get a new laptop, not only might a put in a few hours on STARFIELD (if it’s released), I might actually install ED. And … maybe even play it.


    On Friday, December 30, 2022, exactly 9 years, 1 week and 6 days–to the day–from when the very first episode of GF was posted, Tuesday, December 17, 2013:

    The single wrongest statement in the show’s entire 9 year run was stated. (More details to come.)


    Great job even though the Elite Bros ganged up on ya to bring you down versus CIG as they are. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Huckleberrys stand together. All for one and one for all.

    First, to answer your question, CIG does have a goal, to release SC and Sq42—if for no other reason that CR’s ego. It’s his passion project and we’re along for the ride. He will not settle for infinite development for cash. He’s ego to wound up in it. I defy anyone to prove otherwise. Next.

    Yes, there are a number of unmade concept ships—and a number of made ships: 86 of 96 small ships, 13 of 17 medium ships, 7 of 25 big ships. Funny how Tony left off the completed ships from the prior episode’s agenda.

    Yes, STARFIELD, the game 25 years in the making, by a company twice as old as CIG, will release a single-player game, without atmospheric manual flight, atmospheric entry or exit and a total of four cities out of a hundred star systems, where game play is divided between spaceflight and on the ground, much like STAR TREK ONLINE, using decade-old tech, doing less than HALF of SC, yeah, it better be released before SC.

    Yes, Sony is huge, but Sony complaining about Microsoft buying Acti-Blizz is only about Sony’s videogame division. You’re right. It wouldn’t affect the rest of Sony’s business.


    He declares he actively doesn’t pay attention to SC development—and then not comment on it. Wow. More people should be like Elliot and show similar self-discipline.


    Speaking of, a few episodes back you admitted you love SC but hate CIG, that self-awareness might have led to further self-restraint. Sadly, no, your lust to hate, your “hatelust” (©2023) for CIG only undermines you and your arguments. To wit:

    You’re worked up because CR didn’t discuss Pyro until the end of his end of the year letter—which is what EVERY company does in their year-end review, discuss the past year then discuss the upcoming year. Next.

    You declare you’ve deduced Pyro will be late because after reading the sentence announcing, in the following sentence you spotted the caveat. Except calmer, less furious folk, Bored Gamer, Space Tomato, Obsidian Ant, myself as you read the INITIAL sentence that Q4 2023 was what CIG was “AIMING” for, there was your wiggle room, the “weasel word” but your hatelust blinded you. CIG makes more than enough mistakes for you to legit criticize but your hatelust blinds you to them and causes you to guild the lily, undermining your points. Next.

    Yes, the letter was pretty much a repeat of last yearend’s letter. What should it have had? There was one major patch, 3.17, which CR cited, while the rest was infrastructure mostly unseen by players. Next.

    You’re mad because CIG is focused on making, developing the game? Should CIG *not* be focused on making the game? Next.

    Or is it … can it be … you’re upset CR didn’t apologize to you-er to us about the lack of progress in 2022?

    Careful with the “chairman” jokes. CR might try to croon you with Sinatra tunes. And you better hope they are Frank not Nancy.

    Why do you care about Simon Elms?

    Wait, so you know shale is metamorphic rock but Salvaging, the game profession you’ve grousing for YEARS about its delay in SC, you don’t even understand?!!


    How could you, Peter? How could you? Let’s begin.

    Please, for the love of God do not both you and Tony pretend think that the only value of Persistence in an MMO is merely being able to log out and log back in to get your own gear. Do not pretend to be this stupid.

    Please do not pretend to think we in the audience are so stupid as to believe two people who have been covering SC and ED almost 2 decade between you have zero clue of the value of Persistence in an MMO.

    It doesn’t help that 5 minutes later when discussing ELITE DANGEROUS, you’re citing how easy it is to find a valuable polonium resource because the forests where they are located are, and I quote, “Persistent”.

    Just stop. No, it doesn’t help that Tony is suddenly clueless how Persistence can help players other than some arcane stepping stone to Server Meshing when he has been complaining for YEARS that Salvaging has been delayed.


    So, to answer Elliot’s question, since he has NOT been paying attention to SC development: Salvaging in SC is finding OTHER players valuable goods and claiming for yourself, goods on their corpse, pockets, backpacks, cargo holds of their vehicles. No. It’s not getting some loot randomly generated like getting +2 sword in the remains of a dragon but getting the ACTUAL items the player was carrying.

    What’s with all the penguins and coffee mugs, logging out and logging back in? That’s to show you that the SAME item is persisting and not some random item is found. By having YOU drop your cup or penguin or mug, logging out then back it, you see it’s the SAME item persisting. Tony forgot that but remembered shale is metamorphic rock. Yeah. Next.

    CIG can’t ever deliver on Sq42 or SC because it would be something concrete that could disappoint fans and crush their dream and they need the dream to keep going.

    Two things.

    First, I’m from Chicago. For over a CENTURY the Chicago Cubs failed to win a World Series Championship (akin to winning the World Cup in what Americans call soccer and everyone else calls football) and yet there are still MOUNTAINS of fans. Fans who pay big money to get box seats to see them play in their home stadium, Wrigley Field. They are people who pay serious money to sit on the roof NEXT to Wrigley Field to see the game, LONG before they were World Series champs. So all this about, oh no, if SC or Sq42 isn’t perfect, then the backers will flee in droves, is utter crap.

    Second, the truly preposterous idea that CIG keeps stalling is to keep the dream alive—to KEEP PEOPLE FROM JUDGING THE GAME (because if they judge it as imperfect, not meeting their dream they would abandon the project) is the single WRONGEST idea to be expressed in the 9 year run of this podcast.

    How do I know this? Have you seen the internet? People have ZERO qualms about judging something LONG before it’s released. Geoff judged it, declaring it’ll be forgotten after STARFIELD is released. Tony has judged it repeatedly but hides behind the fig leaf that it’s only judging the development. Never mind that plenty of players play the alpha and enjoy it visual spectacle but he’s already dismissed the beauty of the game and still finds the game lacking. You, Peter, you are judging the game by the statement that should SC or Sq42 be released it would disappoint backers and they would leave. That’s your justification for why CIG is “stalling”.

    YOU are the very contradiction of the statement you’re making.

    You broke my heart, Peter! Your triumphant return to GF and who knew it would be you who broke my heart! This hurts me more than it hurts you, “w”, “other spoon”, “Wotherspoon”.

    I miss Brian and Henry.

  2. seannewboy Avatar

    wonderful show everyone, I really liked the clean slate joke, perfection.

    Ken’s last big paragraph, starts “how do i know” is very accurate.

  3. Ken from Chicago Avatar
    Ken from Chicago

    (Abridged by 70%)

    1a) Pyro is delayed until Q3 2024. CitizenCon 2023 almost made up for it.

    1b) The Thargoids DO have a civil war.

    2) If I get a new laptop, not only might a put in a few hours on STARFIELD (if released) & maybe ED.


    On Friday, December 30, 2022, exactly 9 years, 1 week and 6 days–to the day–from when the very first episode of GF was posted, Tuesday, December 17, 2013:

    The single wrongest statement in the show’s entire 9 year run was stated.


    Great job despite the Elite Bros ganging up on ya, to bring you as down on CIG as they are. Don’t worry, Huckleberrys stand together. All for one and one for all.

    First, to answer your question, CIG does have a goal, to release SC and Sq42. If for no other reason than CR’s ego. This is his passion project. He won’t willingly give up on finishing it. I defy anyone to prove otherwise. Next.

    Yes, there are unmade concept ships—but mostly made ships: 106 of 138 ships aka over 3 quarters completed. Funny how Tony left that off the prior episode’s agenda. Next.

    Yes, STARFIELD, a mere single-player game, 25 years in the making, by a company twice as old as CIG, yet lacking atmospheric entry, exit or manual flight; has only 4 cities out of a 100 star systems; has a hard split between space travel and ground travel, much like STAR TREK ONLINE’s decade-old tech, to do less than HALF of SC—yeah, it BETTER come out before SC. It even lacks features NO MAN’S SKY has. Next.

    Yes, Sony is huge but Microsoft buying Acti-Blizz isn’t a threat to its whole business, just its game division. Next.


    He declares he actively doesn’t pay attention to SC development and then does NOT comment on it. Be like Elliot. People, show that level of self-discipline.


    Speaking of, a few episodes ago you said you love SC but hate CIG. Sadly your lust to hate, your … “hatelust”, (© 2023) … for CIG only undermines you. To wit:

    You’re mad CR didn’t discuss Pyro until the end of his yearend letter. But most companies, in yearend letters, discuss the year past THEN ahead. Next.

    You salivate at deducing Pyro will be late by noticing in the sentence after Pyro a caveat. Except calmer folk, Bored Gamer, Space Tomato, Obsidian Ant, even myself, spotted in the sentence ITSELF that CIG was “AIMING” for Q4 2023–but you were too blinded by hatelust to see. Next.

    You’re mad because CIG is focused on developing the game?!? Should CIG be NOT focused on developing??

    Are you trying to say CIG is focused on making game-making TOOLS? Still wrong. Cloud-lighting tool? Made Orison clouds in game. Planetech tool? Improved planets in game. Navtech? Enabled NPCs to travel around planets in game.

    Yet, Geoff is right. CIG focuses on TALKING about game tools, but still USE them to make the game. Wait, Tony & Geoff said the same thing. Why can’t I give Tony the benefit of doubt I’m giving Geoff?

    To paraphrase Peter, “Yes, yes [I] could.” Just like giving Fdev the benefit of the doubt vs CIG. No, it’s not fair. No, doesn’t feel good at all. Just ask SC fans listening to you spin everything positive for Fdev & negative for CIG. That’s the point, your hatelust is making you make wrong & unfair statements. Come back to us, Tony. Come back. Next.

    Careful about chairman jokes, lest CR start belting out Sinatra tunes—hopefully Frank, not Nancy.

    Why do you care about Simon Elms?


    No, Peter, no.

    Okay, stop. Stop acting like you & Tony think the only value in Persistence in an MMO is merely being able to log out & in to retrieve your own stuff. It doesn’t help 5 minutes later, discussing ED, you note how easy it is to find a resource near forests because they are, quote, “Persistent”.

    Also, it doesn’t help Tony is now clueless how Persistence helps players beside being an arcane stepping stone to server meshing, while conveniently ignoring its value to a profession he’s complained was delayed for YEARS in SC:


    So, to answer Elliot’s question “Why, why, why this feature?”, since he has NOT paid attention to SC development: Salvaging in SC is finding OTHER player’s goods and claiming it. No, it’s not like some random loot is generated, like finding a +2 sword in the belly of a slain dragon. Instead, you get what the players ACTUALLY had by tracking what they had before their demise—and if the goods are in the SAME SHARD as you. No need to log out or in, you can just grab it and go. For that, you need Persistence. Next.

    Why all the penguin, coffee cup, logging out and back in talk? To show it’s the SAME item that you dropped that’s persisting, not some random item appearing. Next.

    SOMEHOW Tony forgot how Salvaging works but remembered slate is a metamorphic rock. Yeah, right. Next.

    So, CIG can’t ever deliver Sq42, much less SC because that would give backers something concrete to judge and find lacking compared to their dreams and lead to a mass exodus of despondent EX-backers because the game didn’t live up to their dream?

    Two things.

    First, I’m from Chicago, and despite the Chicago Cubs not having won the World Series for over a CENTURY still had legions of fans. Sure, some fans lost interest but not a mass exit. So, “oh no, if SC or Sq42 isn’t perfect, there will be mass loss of backers” is crap. Neither you nor Tony left after Fdev repeated errors in ED.

    Second, the truly preposterous idea that CIG keeps stalling is to keep the dream alive because if they finish and release the game, people would THEN judge it, find it not matching their dream and exit. BUT if CIG never releases then people will keep backing because PEOPLE WON’T JUDGE IT!

    This is the single WRONGEST statement made in the 9 years of this podcast.

    Why? Folk have ZERO qualms about judging something before it’s released. Geoff has already judged STARFIELD will release before SC and cause SC to be forgotten. Tony has judged SC repeatedly as visually great but no longer impresses him. And you, Peter, you ARE judging the game by stating that should SC or Sq42 be released backers would leave in droves. That’s your explanation for CIG “stalling”.

    YOU are contradicting your statement AS you make it.

    You broke my heart, Peter! This hurts me, more than it hurts you, Peter “w” … “other spoon” … “Wotherspoon”.


    I miss Brian and Henry.

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