Guard Frequency Episode 428 | Accused of Undue Optimism

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 428 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, January 20 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
    • Starfield
    • Mechwarrior 5 DLC 4 – Rise of Raselhague
  • Feedback Loop

Links & The Like

Elite: Dangerous

Elite Dangerous has not yet announced when they are going to announce the date of the announced Update 14 dot patch, but they have 10 days as of the date of this recording to announce that date. We will announce the date of the announcement and the date of the release when they announce it. Also, Tony was WRONG, because it turns out that the sizes of the internal modules that will allow pilots to mount additional AX weapons are Size 3 and Size 5, NOT “Size 3 or 4” and “Size 6” like he said. HA! I feel better now. Also, we got a clue about what we’ll need to gather in order to unlock the center of the Thargoid Maelstroms. So if you don’t have your “unknown relics” yet, you better find some.

Star Citizen

Star Citizen released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 3.17.5 to the Live Server. And then they reached back deep into their server logs and looked to see if you had logged in for the previous years’ Lunar New Years’ festivals. If you had logged in, they gave you some jpeg trinkets. If you hadn’t, they didn’t. And some people have a problem with this. It’s all psychological, man. Also, CIG is going to have to go to the alphabet store and pick up some extra letters, because they just released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 3.18 “Z” to the PTU Server. We have been informed by the Research Badger Division of Guard Frequency that “double letter” patch versions have been used twice before, in both the 3.0 and 3.3 test patches. We’re sure that it will be released to the Live server before they start tripling up the letters. We’re sure.


Beside repeated but unofficial assurances that Starfield will be released in the first half of 2023, nothing has convinced me that it might actually happen, until this week, in the worst possible way. Microsoft announced that they were laying off around 10,000 workers, including people from Bethesda studios. Mass departures from studios are not uncommon when a product reaches the end of its development cycle, as Starfield should have done if they’re going to release soon.

Mechwarrior 5 – DLC 4: Rise of Raselhague

Speaking of releases coming soon, Mechwarrior 5’s fourth DLC, Rise of Raselhague, will be dropped on January 26th, 2023, if you’re into that sort of thing, which apparently, we are going to be.

Community Questions

  • Have you ever had to pull yourself back from the ledge of collecting everything? Have you ever done the grind or hit the purchase button on something you later regretted?
  • What do the Microsoft layoffs mean for Starfield? Is the game finished or for sure getting delayed?

Patreon Backing

We love bringing you this show each week, but would also love your support? If you enjoy listening and want to contribute to us being the Best Damn Space Sim Podcast Ever, then go to our Patreon page and look at all of the rewards and loot you would be eligible to receive.

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  • Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game





One response to “Guard Frequency Episode 428 | Accused of Undue Optimism”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    CES in battletech is a major corporation that was a power unto itself, if i remember correctly. Not his best joke.

    cq1) I no longer buy all of the ships in STO.
    cq2) It means nothing.

    Of course he is correct about M O O N means moon. But for those who did not watch the show/read the book. One of the characters was of limited intelligence, but he did know that moon is spelled m o o n, he would use the phrase “M O O N spells moon” whenever he comprehended something important that someone was trying to explain to him. He was important to the story, the quintessential pure heart. Well played by Bill Fagerbakke

    Battletech stole/borrowed ideas from Macross/Robotech. including some transforming mechs, although the battletech ones only partially transformed. They are called L.A.M.’s, which stands for Land Air Mech. The lams has 2 modes: bipedal mechs and the lam mode where the above the waist parts transformed into a horizontal jet form while the legs stayed vertical.

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