Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 437 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, March 24 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- Elite: Dangerous
- Star Citizen
- Feedback Loop
Links & The Like
Elite: Dangerous
Elite Dangerous attempted to deliver a bad-news sandwich this week. They ALMOST got it right. The bottom slice of bread was a little soggy because it was an announcement that Update 15 was going to be delayed from late April until sometime in May. That slice was soggy with the drippings from the bad news filling. Specifically: the long anticipated Feature Overhaul will not be coming with Update 15, because it is under investigation. Y’know, like a congressman. Instead of announcing when that Feature Overhaul will return, FDev will QUOTE share details of this investigation and our plans towards the end of this year END QUOTE. So, yeah, those “bad news drippings” soaked all the way through the Update 15 “short delay bread.” BUT, they topped off this sandwich with the good news that the console transfer portal is back, and that it should work almost exactly the same way as it did before. So the Xbox and Playstation commanders who missed the first window will get another shot in April. It’s not the best looking or tasting sandwich, but this is what’s on the menu. Also, the march toward the doom of Horizons Legacy mode carries on, with the announcement that the Live mode download will now be the default. This really only affects players who launch the game through Steam, and those people have their own issues.
Star Citizen
Star Citizen unleashed the highly anticipated Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 3.18.1 to the PTU. Once again they are asking for players to log in at five separate times to give the overhauled backend a thorough thrashing before they dump the new patch on the unsuspecting Live server playerbase. And just a quick note, the team doesn’t appear to have addressed ANY of the known issues that were in the 3.18 patch notes. 3.18.1 appears to be entirely focused on fixing the database errors and login problems. In the meantime, two full weeks after the launch of 3.18, the server-side hotfixes have not made much progress on the average player experience. While some people are reporting that they can get in and play, others are spending 40 minutes in game and not even getting off the landing pad – if they can even spawn a ship. Or log in. Also, we have permission from Disco Lando to call the game “Beam Citizen” after the announcement that tractor beams are also Swiss Army Leatherman Multitools. Chiv is, no doubt, overjoyed.
Community Questions
- Did you download the PTU to help test? Do you think they got enough concurrency data to make it a real test?
- Help us flesh out our medal walls and uniforms and fancy hats as in-game flair. What should be purchasable, what should be earned, and what else do you want to see?
Patreon Backing
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- Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game
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