Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 455 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space game podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, August 11 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- Elite: Dangerous
- Star Citizen
- Starfield
- Baldur’s Gate 3
- Guard Frequency Origins, where the corporate mall cops never stand a chance.
- Feedback Loop
Links & The Like
Elite: Dangerous
Elite Dangerous has a new cheating problem, and it’s more fun than their last ones. Frankly, we should all be a little jealous. And Update 16 was released, and it introduced the new Thargoid Hunter Scythe, which means that we can look forward to the Thargoid Hunter Combine Harvester in Update 17. And also some more Vanduul-slash-Thargoid fan fic. And speaking of harvesting stuff, the fiction is pointing us straight toward Thargoid ground combat… with human Tharg-Zombies.
Star Citizen
Star Citizen began testing an “unripe” version of Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 3.20. It doesn’t have all the patch features in there yet, but they are getting SOOOOOO close. And they still haven’t released their post mortem of 3.18 and 3.19 yet, but they are getting SOOOOO close. But here’s what they did do: based on their newfound wisdom after living through the Madness of March 2023, they’ve revamped the PTU waves. Obviously everyone loved this idea and was fully supportive of the changes. That’s right, all the Spectrum posts and Reddit threads and social media activity was all 100% in favor of the new system. It’s all fine here, nothing to see. Hey, let’s talk about shipping the work for the PU over to China instead!
Starfield & Baldur’s Gate 3
Starfield is less than thirty days away and the hype is real. So if anyone has any hype, now is the time to hype it. Because after that, it will be real. In the meantime, Tony has decided to talk about Baldur’s Gate for some damn reason and I can’t wait to hear how he justifies this one.
Community Questions
- How should Bethesda update its familiar RPG mechanics to push the user experience beyond what they’ve done before?
- Write a pre-review for Starfield’s release. Did it live up to the hype? Was reality not nearly as satisfying? Bonus points for using a chat bot to generate the language.
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- Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game
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