Guard Frequency Episode 497 | Not My Cup of Tea

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 497 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space game podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, August 30 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
    • Star Wars: Outlaws
    • Dune: Awakening
    • Sins of a Solar Empire 2: The Sequelizationing.
  • Guard Frequency Origins, where violence does sometimes solve your problems, if you roll well enough.
  • Feedback Loop

Links & The Like

Elite: Dangerous

Elite Dangerous delayed Powerplay 2.0 from Q3 2024 to Q4 2024. Well, specifically, from September to October. But, to make up for it, they are moving up the new ship release from November to October. And it’s the Mandalay. If an Avro Vulcan bomber and an English Electric Lightning had a baby, with the F-35 and the X-32 as some sort of distant cousin, then you get the idea. It’s a Zorgon Peterson ship, so it also shares some DNA with the Mamba and the Fer De Lance. It’s a medium sized explorer vessel with moveable engines and long landing legs. Frontier hasn’t released any of the stats for it yet, but that will likely come in September. And Just About is getting some just okay engagement with Elite players.

Star Citizen

Star Citizen released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 3.24.0-LIVE.9296942 to all backers on the LIVE Server. And basically none of it works. Of the nine categories that CIG advertised as new features in the patch, most of them need workarounds to function at all. We assume all of these things will be fixed in time for 4.0 to go Live on December 31, 2024. Hopefully all the developers enjoy the next four months of crunch. And the CIG designers are once again pushing the envelope of online game design by adding a new feature to the Pyro storefronts: MURDER. Finally, just in time for 3.24 to go live, there’s a new ship sale, featuring a new commercial for the Sabre Peregrine, showing off a ship they don’t let you see.

The Rest of the Gang

Star Wars: Outlaws, an open world adventure where you play a non-scruffy-looking nerfherder, released today, and the reviews are just about our speed: meh. Dune: Awakening has been delayed until “Early 2025” and that’s just as well because we’re all very busy until then anyway. I was going to skip Sins of a Solar Empire 2 but decided that he was a weak addict and bought it anyway. But I was strong enough to say NO to the $100 premium edition. You see, I’ve been burned before.

Community Questions

  • Are you interested in the new Dune MMO? Does changing the established narrative to make a game work affect your desire to play it?
  • We’re coming close to the end of the EDRPG adventure. What did you like about it? What can we do better?

Patreon Backing

We love bringing you this show each week, but would also love your support? If you enjoy listening and want to contribute to us being the Best Damn Space Sim Podcast Ever, then go to our Patreon page and look at all of the rewards and loot you would be eligible to receive.

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  • Click here to go to our Star Citizen Organization page and apply today!
  • Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game





One response to “Guard Frequency Episode 497 | Not My Cup of Tea”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    cq1) no and no
    cq2)Engaging and intriguing story. Clones, AI’s, and grenades o my. I am not sure that you can do any better.

    “I am wondering why i am even here” awesome.

    Chiv is on a roll. Yes the dislike of Shatner impersonations is general, his was a proper Meh. I just dont like that mans mannerisms. A big fan of TekWar, just not WS.

    Great job everyone, thank you very much.

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