Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 510 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space game podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, January 17 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- Elite: Dangerous
- Star Citizen
- Helldivers 2
- Guard Frequency Exiles, where a full cockpit beats a pair of Cobras every time
- Feedback Loop
Links & The Like
Elite: Dangerous
Elite Dangerous made some money last year and FDev probably won’t crash and burn in a fireball of bankruptcy and regret. They’ve also gone back to their old-school practice of using the community as an unofficial improv theater partner, this time by “adopting” the Anti-Xeno Initiative’s pet project of wiping out the last of the Thargoids. And it looks like Tony’s rant was either exceptionally well-timed or the first little domino in a chain that resulted in a forum post by FDev that admitted there might be a couple of network issues. Apparently there are some other issues as well, because we’re not getting our first Frontier Unlocked livestream until NEXT month.
Star Citizen
Star Citizen released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 4.0.1 PTU.9488811 to the PTU server. That’s because the 4.0 LIVE (Preview) version is very broken. But not to worry, 4.01 is getting better every day, at an almost Odyssey-like pace! It’s so good that CIG is running the next stage of the Save Stanton mission series on the PTU. Why are they running a persistent mission series on a prototype test server that only exists to find bugs and will definitely not save player progress? Who knows? Probably because everyone likes to do missions over and over again for the same rewards that they may or may not get to keep. Speaking of doing the same things over and over again, it’s that festive holiday time of year that only Tony looks forward to: CIG financial reporting season. But it seems that Tony wasn’t a good boy in 2024, because Chris Kringle-Berts hasn’t left anything in his inbox. Speaking of doing even more things over and over again, more news about layoffs of senior CIG staff is circulating around. Maybe all this stuff is connected…
Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2 has reactivated the Democracy Space Station, now 20% less likely to result in a total party kill! The DSS will now provide a standard 380mm orbital barrage on demand instead of carpet bombing everything in sight without regard for friendly casualties. So that’s not nearly as fun. Plus the Illuminate zombie hoards are fully entrenched, you can drive a jeep with a machine gun, and the whole uber-fascist vibe just hits a little different now.
Community Questions
- What attracts you to a game more, the function or the polish? What keeps you with a game? Will you put up with a lack of one if you get your fill of the other?
- Take a guess, do you think the Calders will stay or go? Will they take the sure thing now or stick around until 2028?
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