Guard Frequency Episode 511 | Bronze Balls On A Bronze Pedestal

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 511 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space game podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, January 31 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at

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This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
    • Helldivers 2
    • No Man’s Sky
  • Guard Frequency Exiles, where the team makes a stop for gas and snacks
  • Feedback Loop

Links & The Like

Elite: Dangerous

Elite Dangerous is breaking all the rules by just straight-up announcing a release date for the system colonization update, which has been appropriately named “Trailblazers.” Rather than announcing that there will be an announcement of a release date on a certain date, and then waiting until that certain date to announce the release date, FDev just went ahead and announced that the date of the release would be… February 26! Also, CEO Jonny Watts did a half-year earnings call extolling the virtues of shepherding and nursing a long-term game like Elite Dangerous. He even had a chart! And because that chart was so great, Frontier is continuing their streak of making questionable sales decisions when EVERYTHING was going so well.

Star Citizen

Star Citizen released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 4.0-LIVE.9499080 to the LIVE server. For those of you keeping score at home, this is the long-awaited, fully tested, completely-verified, stability-focused patch that will ring in CIG’s new commitment to quality-of-life over feature introduction. It’s got so many bug fixes in it, they stopped counting at 100! And because they had to get it out to support a ship sale and a free fly weekend, it promptly crashed and burned. And the free fly is now cancelled. So the quality focus is going really well so far. But don’t worry, because a Twitch streamer with 3 million followers tried playing the patch for a couple of hours. It didn’t go well. But Zyloh released a lengthy post on just how much quality they’re going to pack into this bad boy in the coming year. It kind of reads as a very honest post about how unplayable the game is right now. They should probably look at taking down some of their YouTube commercials.

Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 is losing their chief creative officer Johan Pilstedt to a terrible chronic illness known as “sabbatical.” Symptoms include, not showing up to work, failing to manage democracy, and spending time with unproductive family members. Patriots are advised that anyone with the “sabbaticals” must report to the nearest re-education centers immediately. Also, No Man’s Sky released the World’s Part 2 patch that we KNEW was coming, and there’s just no end in sight for the Hello Games Team on their redemption tour.

Community Questions

  • Is CIG’s cancellation of the free fly event evidence of their commitment to quality? Should that commitment also include a “punch list” of progress on outstanding issues from Zyloh’s post?
  • Great Idea or Greatest Idea?: Character Creation packs for Elite Dangerous. Give us your elevator pitch for a pack that includes ships, modules, armors, skins and decals.

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