Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 513 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space game podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, February 28 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- Elite: Dangerous
- Star Citizen
- Hunternet Starfighter
- Dune: Awakening
- Guard Frequency Exiles, where they learn a little bit about life, the universe and engineering.
- Feedback Loop
Links & The Like
Elite: Dangerous
Elite Dangerous released the Trailblazers update on schedule and without serious hiccups, making Tony 100% wrong. This is a small candle of hope in an otherwise tumultuous period in world history, and a good reminder that sometimes no news is the best possible news. The colonization system is in full swing and the Guard Frequency research badgers have some preliminary findings and conclusions. So far: meh. However, FDev only devoted the bare minimum of time to the release of the new update during their Unlocked livestream. They also served up a preview of the new Gutamaya Corsair and an actual roadmap for the rest of 2025. This includes two new gameplay features – including an upgrade or sidegrade to Squadrons. It’s genuinely good news for a game that looked like it was on the ropes in 2022 and 2023 and delivers on what FDev management talked about in their recent financial presentation.
Star Citizen
Star Citizen released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 4.0 LIVE.9589006 to the LIVE server. Now that the golden age of stability and content is upon us, let’s see how things are going. On the stability side, 4.02 might not be much better, but so far, things don’t seem any worse. On the content side, there are two new ships, and the next chapter of the current narrative. And there’s some controversy here, for which we, here at the show, are forever grateful. It turns out that if you participated in previous chapters, acquired all the lore datapads, and read the right forum posts, you were totally suckered by an amazing PLOT TWIST that was detailed in this week’s ISC. Your world is topsy turvy, black is white, up is down and short is long. In short, “GOTCHA.” On the other hand, if you didn’t do any of those things and just picked which reward skin looked better, then, y’know, nevermind. Also, if you don’t complete the next chapter, Supply or Die, in the next month, YOU NEVER WILL. That’s the narrative, everyone. Oh and there’s still no word on CIG’s financials. We just thought you should know.
Hunternet Starfighter and Dune: Awakening
Hunternet Starfighter checks in with some new info on asteroid mining, including a little clip about EXTREME MINING filled with ACTION PACKED rock destruction! But is that a good idea? We’ll have a definitive answer for you in the next 15 minutes or less. Finally, the Arrakis based MMO Dune: Awakening is scheduled to release on May 20, 2025 for 50 American Dollars USA Money. And that is almost all Tony can say about that.
Community Questions
- Mining in hazardous zones: Do or do not? Or maybe there’s a try? How would you set up a system that balances chill mining with exciting space death?
- Is CIG’s Tier 0 narrative a step in the right direction or completely at odds with their game philosophy? Are they setting their players up for disappointment if this plan goes well?
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