Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 513 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space game podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday, March 14 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at
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This Week’s Schedule
- Flight Deck
- Elite: Dangerous
- Star Citizen
- Guard Frequency Exiles, where the team finds out why it’s important to watch the burrito stand.
- Feedback Loop
Links & The Like
Elite: Dangerous
Elite Dangerous had a few little hiccups with the colonization system, and so they did the best thing possible: they turned it off and turned it on again. Turns out that there was a way to instantly fill the project coffers and colonize A LOT of systems very quickly. And almost a billion tons of commodities have been delivered to almost 40,000 new starports and settlements across the galaxy, so everyone except Tony – and the guy who was cheating – is having a good time with the new system. Also, it’s currently possible to colonize a neutron star, FOR NOW.
Star Citizen
Star Citizen released Early Access Pre-Alpha Release Candidate Prototype Experimental Test Build 4.1 PTU 9627438 to the PTU server. The good news is that starting with 4.1 you won’t lose all your stuff when you die! The bad news is, this is explicitly a Tier 0 implementation of the process. Tier 1 and Tier 2 – the Final Fun Tier – will come later, but they are QUOTE actively developing END QUOTE those systems. And CIG is once again stepping square into the PvP vs. PvE mess with their latest mission: Align and Mine Oh and there’s still no word on CIG’s financials. And now they are later than the latest they have ever been late. We just thought you should know. Again.
Community Questions
- Did you see anything fun on the Spring Steam Sale? Any space games stand out to you?
- How much gateway is too much gateway? Is it OK to put the best gear behind a PvP mission? Is it OK to put a new feature behind a grindy old feature?
Patreon Backing
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- Click here to go to our Star Citizen Organization page and apply today!
- Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game
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