Guard Frequency Episode 372 | Inventory Fallout

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 372 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday September 17, 2021 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at

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Team Guard Frequency Folding @ Home – Team # 266755

This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
    • Descent Underground
  • The news from the deep black with Spencer McDunn on Galactic Public Radio
  • We continue our audio adventure, Guard Frequency Origins, finding out who’s more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
  • Feedback Loop

Links & the Like

Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous pushed back the release of Update 7 because there were issues with player accounts involuntarily dropping community goal progress. Which is important, because there is a snazzy new community goal that offers an AMAZING new weapon that will be OVER by the time you download this show. Maybe it will be a tech broker unlock someday.

Star Citizen

Star Citizen updated their Road… [TONY interrupts here]… uh, “Sequential Signposts” to Release in order to reflect their Star Citizen has answered all of the community’s questions regarding the new personal inventory system. No one has any concerns, issues, or loose ends. It is all perfectly understandable and can be summarized in three words: Fallout New Vegas. There, now, if everyone will just ignore what happens to your rotting corpse – and all the phat lootz that you were carrying – after 420NOOBMASTER69 headshot you (from 4 klicks away), we can just move on to Citizen Con.

Descent Underground

Descent Underground has lit the beacons of Minas Tirith and sounded the Horn of Helms Deep, and sent out the call across the land: who among you has been screwed by Little Orbit. THE DMS ARE OPEN!! Also, Little Orbit managed to cite ONE court case that might mean they won’t get immediately dismissed on appeal. But it’s probably not enough.

Community Questions

  • Where are you storing all your swag in Star Citizen’s physical inventory?
  • Will you be participating in future double secret probation community goals?

Patreon Backing

We love bringing you this show each week, but would also love your support? If you enjoy listening and want to contribute to us being the Best Damn Space Sim Podcast Ever, then go to our Patreon page and look at all of the rewards and loot you would be eligible to receive.

Join Us In Game!

  • Click here to go to our Star Citizen Organization page and apply today!
  • Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game





One response to “Guard Frequency Episode 372 | Inventory Fallout”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    cq1) Im getting a bad feeling about all of this.

    Wonderful show everyone, great job.

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