Guard Frequency Episode 374 | Carving Your McGuffin Pumpkin

Cits and Civs, Captains and Commanders, you’re tuned to episode 374 of Guard Frequency — the best damn space sim podcast ever! This episode was recorded on Friday October 1, 2021 and released for streaming and download on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at

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Team Guard Frequency Folding @ Home – Team # 266755

This Week’s Schedule

  • Flight Deck
    • Elite: Dangerous
    • Star Citizen
    • HunterNet Starfighter
    • Descent Underground
  • The news from the deep black with Spencer McDunn on Galactic Public Radio
  • We continue our audio adventure, Guard Frequency Origins, where once we were the learners, but now we are the masters.
  • Feedback Loop

Links & the Like

Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous, only days after the Update 7 release and patch, announced a few details about the planned Update 8. Four Person Multicrew, Megaship Interiors, and Emotes are scheduled to drop… whenever they drop the schedule for Update 8. And they’ve also pre-announced the announcement of two other features beyond Update 9: a two-seater combat SRV and fleet carrier interiors. Now all the galaxy will be able to sample the taquitos at Skiffy-Mart!

Star Citizen

Star Citizen did everything right with its Regeneration proposal last week and my co-hosts got basically everything wrong. And I will tell you – in exacting detail – how those four degens from upcountry failed all of us. Also, Citizen Con is scheduled for October 9, at noon central… and I like bombers.

Descent Underground & Hunternet Starfighter

For the moment, all is quiet on the Descent Underground front, except for a weird mediation conference that Tony will refuse to speculate on. And congratulations to Fernando are in order! With a week to go, Hunternet Starfighter has met its $15,000 funding goal. Good job everyone!

Community Questions

  • What are you looking forward to at Citizen Con?
  • Which upcoming feature of Elite Dangerous sounds most interesting to you?

Patreon Backing

We love bringing you this show each week, but would also love your support? If you enjoy listening and want to contribute to us being the Best Damn Space Sim Podcast Ever, then go to our Patreon page and look at all of the rewards and loot you would be eligible to receive.

Join Us In Game!

  • Click here to go to our Star Citizen Organization page and apply today!
  • Check out the callsigns we use personally in each game





One response to “Guard Frequency Episode 374 | Carving Your McGuffin Pumpkin”

  1. seannewboy Avatar

    wonderful show everyone.

    P.S. the biscuit comment was related to something in the blooper segment, but i dont remember what.

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